ࡱ> rtqb bjbjJJ o(Ib(Ib\OK??jMjM N N N$.N.N.NP~NN.NsNNNNN@Q@Q@Q$MT N@QP"Q"@Q@QjMjMNN"-lRlRlR@QjM8NM8NplR@QlRlRpMMN@^Qj^<nC0sXW8R4WxW N|@Q@QlR@Q@Q@Q@Q@QlR@Q@Q@Qs@Q@Q@Q@QW@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q@Q?B 0L: The State Supply Commission has recently become aware that some government agencies are using industry representatives on evaluation panels from the same market as that being tendered. That is, these evaluation panel members have access to their competitors commercial information. In two cases recently reviewed, evaluation panels for tenders included representatives from companies that are in direct competition (for other tenders) with some of the bidders for those projects. Under this arrangement, the industry representatives on the evaluation panels had access to their competitors pricing structures, financial information and their approach to bidding for contracts. This raises significant commercial concerns and perceptions of noncompliance with the Commissions Integrity and Ethics, Risk Management and Open and Effective Competition policies. The State Supply Commission has strongly recommended to the Chief Executive Officers of those two agencies that the evaluation processes are ceased and that the bids are independently re-assessed. These Chief Executive Officers have also been strongly counselled to review all current tender evaluations. If any of the evaluations in process include market competitors, those evaluations should cease and be independently re-evaluated. All Chief Executive Officers have also been advised of this situation. They have been counselled to review all evaluation processes currently underway to identify whether any market competitors are included on evaluation panels. The State Supply Commission has suggested that either a completely independent panel (without potential competitors) be formed or alternatively an external consultant be engaged to assess the findings of those evaluations. It is essential that all evaluation processes and outcomes are able to withstand public scrutiny and conform to the Commissions Policies and Guidelines. Should you require further advice please contact Lian Borlace on 9222 5711 or email  HYPERLINK "mailto:lborlace@ssc.wa.gov.au" lborlace@ssc.wa.gov.au. For assistance contact the State Supply Commission on 9222 5700.     State Supply Commission 5 th Floor, Dumas House 2 Havelock Street West Perth WA 6005 Telephone 08 9222 5700 Facsimile 08 9222 5750 Email buywisely@ssc.wa.gov.au Please note: Contact details for the State Supply Commission have changed. Please refer to the website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ssc.wa.gov.au" www.ssc.wa.gov.au) or telephone 6551 1500 for more information. References to the Integrity, Ethics & Probity policy is now the Probity and Accountability policy (Reviewed: October 2014) Buyer Alert INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVES ON EVALUATION PANELS February 2003 )*TU  F G w x   3 4 d e   0 1 < @ R S _   . / \ ]   I J s t ,-WXB h F6]h Fh F6]h F h Fh Fjh[UmHnHtH uT i .  |Z\^_abdeghgd Fgd F$a$gd Fgd FBCopY[\]_`bcefhi   tu  9:@YѺ h[6hh@h[6hQh[0JB* CJph hQh[jhQh[U hh@h[hh@h[5h 'jh Fh FUh^Njjh^NjU h Fh hs$h F0Jjh FU h Fh Fh F3   YZ[ggd Fgd F|$a$gd Fgd Fgd[gd FYZ[g h Fh h Fh Fh F6CJ h Fh Fh^Njh[61h:p[. A!8"8#b$% P 5 01h:p[. 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