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MAC is also requested to consider whether it is appropriate to Fast Track this proposal.Alinta20 minCommitment of Verve Energy Facilities A proposal to amend the rules to remove the exception, which currently applies to Verve Energy, to synchronise and desynchronise plant without System Managements approval has been circulated for consideration by MAC. MAC is also requested to consider whether it is appropriate to Fast Track this proposal.System Management20 minSYSTEM MANAGEMENT RULE CHANGE A proposed Rule Change to remove references to System Management taking account of DSM capacity when accepting/approving outages and carrying out short term and medium term PASA studies has been circulated for consideration by MAC.System Management15 minFUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE The previously circulated meeting schedule for MAC was unsuitable to some MAC members. A new proposed meeting schedule has been circulated for consideration by MAC.Chair5 minOTHER MATTERS Other matters will be considered on a case-by-case basis.Chair5 minNEXT MEETING Scheduled for 11 April 2007.Chair5 min     Market Advisory Committee Agenda 6 September 2006  PAGE 2 Agenda Meeting No 2 28 Mar 2007  PAGE 1 789?@AMNPZnʽohd`hYd`hUdQd`hMIEhhhlhth3Oxhth3 h+~hhehWhhe hW5\&hC5B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ ph&hW5B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ ph,hChW5B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ phhChCB*CJ aJ phhP5CJOJQJ\hC5CJOJQJ\%h( hCB*CJOJQJ^Jph])h( hCB*CJOJQJ^JaJph]789@AMO$If $$Ifa$$$dNa$gdC $a$gdP $a$gdP$a$gdC :OPZozz $Ifgdhe $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0V"4Y0$64 la5}$If $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0V"4Y0$64 la5}$If $$Ifa$skd4$$Ifl0V"4Y0$64 la5  % . / 0 1 ; B I J e f g h w y z  4 5 d 꾹~mibibib^hHoB h}h}hX!h}hHoB5;OJQJ\^J"h}h}5;OJQJ^JaJ hHoB5hghdn hg5\hfhp'5hfh25 h 5 hP: 5 hg5 hW5\h 5\^JhW5\^Jh85\^J hW5hW hfhYChv- hfhYl"   ~xll $$Ifa$gdb;$If $$Ifa$gd.1skd$$Ifl0V"4Y0$64 la5   2 $ & Fx$Ifa$gdPkdh$$Ifl44\" 3n (0$4 laRf4p( < B H I J R@$ & Fx$Ifa$gdPkd$$Ifl4\" 3n0$4 laRf4 $$Ifa$gd".$IfJ z H6$ & Fx$Ifa$gdPkdj$$Ifl4\" 3n0$4 laRf4 $$Ifa$gd".$x$Ifa$gd  I7$ & Fx$Ifa$gdPkd=$$Ifl4\" 3n0$4 laRf4$$Ifa$gdX x$IfgdX  - . 5 7 < = > c d q w ȵm_XXXX h}h}h}hHoB5;OJQJ"h}h}5;OJQJ^JaJh Z0hHoB\^J hX\^Jh( hHoB\^J h}\^JhY#h}^JaJhX^JaJ%h}hHoB5;OJQJ\^JaJ%h}h}5;OJQJ\^JaJ hHoB5hhHoB5hHoBhX hHoB5\hHoB5\^J! . 5 < = > I7$ & Fx$Ifa$gdPkd $$Ifl4\" 3n0$4 laRf4$$Ifa$gdX x$IfgdX> d =kd$$Ifl4\" 3n0$4 laRf4$x$Ifa$gd x$Ifgd}$x$Ifa$gd  < = > ? %(|Ĺިިި hHoB^J hHoB5\ hHoB\^Jh Z0hHoB\^JhHoB5\^Jh Z0hHoB5 h( hHoBh9 h( h( h( hhHoBhhHoB5 hHoB5 hX\^J hChHoBhHoBhX h}hX5 $$Ifa$gd[ $Ifgdp:$x$Ifa$gdp:$ & Fx$Ifa$gdPbPEE55$$Ifa$gd!E x$Ifgd $ & Fx$Ifa$gdPkd$$Ifl4\" 3n0$4 laRf4bPE?/$$Ifa$gd!E$If x$Ifgd $ & Fx$Ifa$gdPkd}$$Ifl4\" 3n0$4 laRf4 R@::$If$ & Fx$Ifa$gdPkdP $$Ifl4\" 3n0$4 laRf4$$Ifa$gd!E &-.9:;=>@ACDFMU_`aesxyzĽwwjhChWCJ^JaJhxCJaJmH sH hChCCJaJmH sH hCCJ^JaJmH sH hXmHnHujhWUhthdJuhW h]ShWh]Sh~ChZ/jhZ/U h-;2h9yh9yh-;2hHoB hHoB5\hyMhHoB\ h-\) &,-./01VBBBB$&dPa$gd)kd# $$Ifl4\" 3n0$4 laRf4 $$Ifa$gd".123456789:<=?@BCEF`a !"V]^Vgd# V]^Vgd#gdW$&dPa$gd)$&dPa$gd) !"V]^Vgd#$&dPa$gdC  h-;2h9yhZ/hWjhWUD 00*PP&P /R :pC. 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