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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight1683ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333\`{ IntroductionqKey Contract DetailsDocument RegisterPricing and PaymentsPerformance Measurementx  Risk Register&:)Enquiries, Issues and MeetingsG Reporting_Stakeholder Listv Transition=   *  ; * *  *  ;Text94*5Document RegisterInsurer Expiry DateStatusInsured AmountWhoWhenContract Term: Initial Term:Contract Commencement Date:Contract No. & Title:Insurance DetailsExtension Options/Business Case (where completed) (approved copy),Evaluation Report (approved and signed copy),Preferred Respondent Letter(s) (signed copy)-Preferred Respondent Response(s) / Outcome(s)Option 1Due DateName ExtensionDate Exercised or DeclinedOption 2Option 3 Option 4 Position: Telephone:Email:ABN:ACN:Insurance Type Policy No. File / RMS ReferenceFile / RMS Reference No.File/RMS Reference No. Date Received Report TypeEnquiry - Issue Details Outcome - Resolution Date ResolvedCommentsPosition Organisation IntroductionDate ProcessedPayment Amount Payments MadeBalance RemainingTotal Payments MadeEmail$Unsuccessful Letter(s) (signed copy)5Service Level Agreement (if applicable) (signed copy) Phone No.Contract Manager: Agency Name: Work Area:%Current Total Contract Value inc GST !New Total Contract Value inc GST %Issues / Actions Requiring Follow Up Result / Analysis CommentsAgreed Performance MeasuresMore InformationContractor DetailsDate Due!Add relevant documents as createdadd rows as needed/Contractor's Offer including any clarificationsLetter of Award (signed copy)Address:Contact person:Contract Overview Meeting Date Items raisedActionsContract DocumentsOther Documents.Activity / Event / Process / Product / Service Risk Ref No.^RiskWhat can go wrong?Causes,What could potentially cause that to happen?ControlsSMechanisms in place to prevent or mitigate the event occurring or limit its impact. ConsequencesWhat are the potential results? Risk level Action(s)eWhat action(s) if any will you take to treat the risk? Who is responsible and when should this occur? Residual Risk'Predicted level of risk after action/s. Likelihood: Consequence:Level of Risk:+Contract Management training - face to face%Contract Management training - onlineMore information to support your contract management activities can be found on the Department of Finance's pages on wa.gov.au. Please use the links below to access the support resources.Measurement DateProposed Method of MeasurementStakeholder List ExercisedYes / NoRequestAddenda (if any) Entered on Tenders WAe.g. Public Liabilitye.g. Workers CompensationPrice SchedulePrice Variation Mechanism+Settlement Discount details (if applicable)(Payment Schedule details (if applicable)e.g. & .% discount where payment of the Price or that part of the Price specified in the invoice is made within (x) Calendar Days of the date of the invoicePricing and Payments Pricing details Payments made5Contract Expiry Date: (inc of all extension options)Contractor Name: 5Total Contract Value: (full contract term inc of GST)Contract Value inc GSTExtension options: Risk Registere.g. Professional Indemnity<Insert details from the Contractor's response to the RequestInsert details from the RequestSpecified Output / ServiceUse the table below to record the details of any reporting requirements of the contract. If applicable, include any WAIPS reporting requirements. Add rows as needed. SignificantContact PersonUse the table below to record the file references of the key documents related to the procurement process and management of the contractRequest Conditions and General Conditions of Contract - [INSERT VERSION - e.g. October 2020] (must be the same version as listed in the Request)8\ ]Use the table below to record the details of any key meetings had related to the contract. This could include meetings with the contractor, customers, reference groups or any key stakeholders. Add rows as needed.Use the table below to record any enquiries or issues that have been raised relating to the contract. Ensure enough detail is included to support a new contract manager or assist in the redevelopment of the contract. Add rows as needed. Use the table below to record any key stakeholders interested in the contract. This may include customers, reference group members or Executive members with delegated authority. Add rows as needed. NRefer to State Agency s risk ref tables & take existing controls into account.Contract Management templatesContract Objectives and Scope:Key Contract Details Reporting Meeting TypeMeetingsPerformance MeasurementStakeholder Name0Contract Management Workbook - Single ContractorUse the table below to record the contract risks and any mitigation strategies in place. More information on how to use the table can be found in the Risk Workbook available on WA.gov.au. Add rows as needed. Transition OutUse the tables below to record any tasks that need be completed during the transition in/out phases of the contract. Add rows as needed. Transition In TransitionTransition In TaskTransition Out TaskTo maximise the achievement of contractual outcomes and to continually improve contract performance, effective contract management is required. This workbook has been designed to support contract managers by providing a tool to record key contract information in a single place. This workbook: - is designed to be a working document which is updated frequently; - should be used in the management contracts with a single supplier; and - should not be used for simple contracts or those with a panel of suppliers. There are other workbooks that can be used to support the management of those types of contracts, available on WA.gov.au. Agencies may modify the Workbooks to suit individual requirements. Agencies acknowledge that they will retain ownership and responsibility for its maintenance, and the input and management of all content including modifications. Agencies may use Agency specific workbooks as an alternative option. Each tab has a brief set of instructions in red text.c rUse the table below to detail the contract KPIs and the Contractor's performance against them. Add rows as needed.Contract Management guidelinesEnquiries, Issues and MeetingsEnquiries or issues#Contract Variations and AdjustmentsKNote: - Adjustments are changes that are permitted by the contract (for example annual price increases due to CPI fluctuations). - If a variation changes the price, contract term etc the Purchase Order may need to be updated. - If a variation changes the total contract value, you may need to record this variation on Tenders WA. 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