ࡱ> C K#bjbj >VhhK   (((<<<8t D<# D D D D D !Zy!! z||||||$/|(%!!%%((D D 2_*_*_*%R(D (D z_*%z_*_* D p ݚT]% bf<#n6a&a&a(ʔ!!_*!!!!!c(!!!#!#l%%a!!!!!!!!!X : Activity Notice Issued pursuant to Clause 8.2 of the Noongar Standard Heritage Agreement By Insert Proponent Name For Insert Project/Activity name Issued on Insert date Document/Reference Number Insert/delete as required Part 1 Primary Contents of Activity Notice [REQUIRED] Basic information This Activity Notice is issued under the Insert name of ILUA Noongar Standard Heritage Agreement (NSHA), agreed between insert name of Proponent (the Proponent) and the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (SWALSC) on behalf of the insert name Agreement Group or the insert name Aboriginal Corporation (RC) (as applicable) on insert date NSHA was executed by the last party. Proponents address for service: XX Primary contact for Proponent: Name: XX Title: XX Department/Section: XX Telephone: XX Fax: (08) XX Email: XX Background and purpose This Activity Notice relates to the insert Activity name (the Activity). Include a brief description of the Activity. The purpose of this Activity Notice is to provide adequate information to assist SWALSC or the RC (as applicable) to make an assessment as to whether a Survey is required in relation to the Activity and, if so, whether a Site Identification Survey or a Site Avoidance Survey is required, and, if a Survey is required, to provide information relevant to the conduct of a Survey. The inclusion of details at (c) to (e) below does not prejudice the statement at (b) below that the Proponent considers that a Survey is not required [Delete this sentence if the Proponent indicates at (b) that a Survey is required]. Key statements and nominations under Clause 8.2(c)(ii) and Part 1 Clause 1.2 Schedule 4 NSHA The Activity Program consists / does not consist of Low Ground Disturbance Activity (see clause 1.1 Definitions) where the Activity Program consists of Low Ground Disturbance Activity, include a statement of the extent. The Proponent considers that a Survey is / is not required. The Proponents preferred Survey Methodology is a Site Identification Model / Site Avoidance Model where a Site Avoidance Model is nominated a statement as per clause 1.2 (d) Schedule 4 NSHA is to be added. The proposed Survey fieldwork start / end date is date. The Proponent requires: a Preliminary Advice (see clause 12.1(a) NSHA); a draft of the Survey Report (see clause 12.1(b) NSHA); an Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Section 16 Application or an Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Section 18 Application (see clause 8.2(e) NSHA). [delete as required] Where any of these key statements are omitted, Part 3 of Schedule 4 NSHA provides default provisions. This Activity notice also includes: Attachment 1: Map showing the area the subject of the Activity Notice in accordance with Clause 8.2(c)(ii) and Part 1 Clause 1.3 Schedule 4 NSHA Attachment 2: Aerial photographs (if available) or smaller maps showing the area subject of the Activity Notice in accordance with Clause 8.2(c)(ii) and Part 1 Clause 1.3 Schedule 4 NSHA Attachment 3: Activity Notice Program in accordance with Clause 8.2(c)(ii) and Part 1 Clause 1.3 Schedule 4 NSHA Attachment 4 (OPTIONAL): Additional contents of Activity Notice under Clause 8.2(c)(iii) Part 2 Schedule 4 NSHA Attachment 5 (OPTIONAL): A written copy of previous Aboriginal Heritage Survey Reports, in accordance with Clause 8.2(c)(iii) and Part 2(a) Schedule 4 NSHA [delete as required] ATTACHMENT 1: Map showing the area the subject of the Activity Notice in accordance with Clause 8.2(c)(ii) and Part 1 Clause 1.3 Schedule 4 NSHA A map showing clearly the area the subject of the Activity Notice, identifying the location of the area the subject of the Activity Notice within the Agreement Area and including scale, zone and north point, as well as nearby towns, roads and landscape features ATTACHMENT 2: Aerial photographs (if available) or smaller maps showing the area subject of the Activity Notice in accordance with Clause 8.2(c)(ii) and Part 1 Clause 1.3 Schedule 4 NSHA Aerial photographs (if available) or smaller scale maps of the area the subject of the Activity Notice which must contain UTM Grid Coordinates (eastings and northings), datum, north point and, where applicable, land tenure details such as parcel identifier, plan or lot, reserve numbers, and coordinates and/or polygon defining the area the subject of the Activity Notice ATTACHMENT 3: Activity Notice Program in accordance with Clause 8.2(c)(ii) and Part 1 Clause 1.3 Schedule 4 NSHA Where applicable, identifying numbers (or other identifying information) of each tenure to which the Activity Notice relates: All known vehicular access routes to the area the subject of the Activity Notice: Any ground disturbing notice provided to any government agency including (where mining exploration Activities are proposed) to the District Mining Engineer: Details of any Activity Program, and the area and level of potential Activity, on the area the subject of the Activity Notice: The techniques and types of infrastructure, items of equipment and vehicles to be used in relation to any proposed Activity: The approximate number of personnel who will be involved in any proposed Activity: Any water, biological or other materials or resources proposed to be obtained from the area the subject of the Activity Notice, in relation to any proposed Activity: [complete each section] Where any of this detailed content is omitted, the default provisions of Part 3 of Schedule 4 of the NSHA will apply. ATTACHMENT 4: OPTIONAL Additional contents of Activity Notice under Clause 8.2(c)(iii) Part 2 Schedule 4 NSHA whether there has been any previous Aboriginal Heritage Survey in relation to the area the subject of the Activity Notice, and if so, the age, methodology, participants, standard and results of that Survey: the extent to which the area the subject of the Activity Notice has been affected by previous ground disturbing activities: whether the Aboriginal Heritage Act Register discloses any Aboriginal Sites on the area the subject of the Activity Notice: any additional information which explains what sort of Survey outcome is being sought (if a Survey is required), including whether an Aboriginal Heritage Act Section 16 Application or an Aboriginal Heritage Act Section 18 Application is intended to be made (if known at the relevant time): any other background material which will better help SWALSC or RC (as applicable) to understand the potential impacts of what is proposed: [complete/delete as required] ATTACHMENT 5: OPTIONAL A written copy of previous Aboriginal Heritage Survey Reports, in accordance with Clause 8.2(c)(iii) and Part 2(a) Schedule 4 NSHA  Where the written report of that previous Aboriginal Heritage Survey is in the possession of the Proponent and not subject to confidentiality restrictions, a copy of the written report should accompany the Activity Notice at Attachment 5.     )_`aelpvz{|µsffsXG5#hRlh895CJ OJQJ^JaJ hRlh89CJ OJQJ^JaJ hRlhW}5CJ^JaJhRlhaTuCJ^JaJhRlhW}CJ^JaJhRlhRl5CJ^JaJhP h89CJ^JaJhP hW}CJ^JaJhP hzCJ(^JaJ(hP h'CJ(^JaJ( hP hW}CJOJQJ^JaJhP hW}CJ0^JaJ0hW}CJ0OJQJaJ0hW}CJ OJQJ^JaJ h*5_`ae{| d@gd^$d@a$gd^ d@gd89-gdz$d$dNgdW}-gdW}$d@a$gdW} $d@a$gdX   ! 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