Commissioner's Instructions

Provide directions to public sector agencies and employees
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The Public Sector Commissioner issues instructions for public sector agencies and employees regarding a broad range of management and administration matters.  The Commissioner鈥檚 authority to do this is set out in section 22A of the .

Instructions are mandatory and each Instruction explains who is required to comply.

Instructions may be supported by additional information such as guidelines or templates which are for assistance purposes only and not mandatory.

For related information, visit the Public Sector Commissioner's circulars.


In exceptional cases, public sector agencies may seek an exemption or variation to the requirements of an Instruction.  An agency will need to demonstrate that compliance would significantly impact on service delivery and the situation by cannot be addressed by other means. 

An application for an exemption or variation should be addressed to the Commissioner in writing and include:

  • the title and number of the relevant Instruction and the particular clauses for which the exemption or variation is sought
  • if the exemption or variation is sought for only part of a public sector body, then the title and nature of operations for the area should be clearly specified
  • the circumstances giving rise to the application and the impact it will have on critical service delivery or statutory/regulatory obligations
  • the actions taken by the agency to plan for or manage the situation
  • an explanation of why the objectives sought to be achieved through the exemption or variation could not be achieved through other appropriate mechanisms or administrative arrangements
  • where an exemption is sought to a public sector standard or code of ethics, an explanation as to how minimum standards of merit, equity and probity are to be met if the exemption were to be granted
  • the timeframe for which the exemption or variation is sought.

Rescinded instructions

7Code of Ethics2-Oct-23
8Codes of Conduct and Integrity Training2-Oct-23
9Interim arrangements for the Department of Culture and the Arts to fill certain public sector vacancies20-Jun-15
13Interim arrangements for employing authorities of Colleges (constituted under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996) to fill certain public sector vacancies21-May-19
14Interim arrangements for the Economic Regulation Authority to fill certain public sector vacancies21-May-19
17Filling of vacant Senior Executive Service (SES) offices31-Mar-18
18Arrangements for employing authorities within the Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions portfolio to fill certain public sector vacancies19-Jun-20
19Interim arrangements for the Department of Justice to fill certain public sector vacancies30-Apr-19
20Further interim arrangements for the Department of Justice to fill certain public sector vacancies21-May-19
21Interim arrangements for the Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development to fill certain public sector vacancies13-Feb-20
22Interim arrangements for Colleges constituted under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 to appoint certain fixed term contract lecturers to permanent positions01-Jan-19
23Conversion and Appointment of Fixed Term Contract and Casual Employees to Permanency20-Jun-23
24Interim arrangements for Lotterywest to fill certain public sector vacancies31-Jan-19
25CEO delivery and performance agreement and  assessment (trial group)31-Oct-21
26Interim arrangements for the Department of Justice to fill certain public sector vacancies01-Nov-20
27Interim arrangements to fill specified vacancies at Fiona Stanley Hospital01-Aug-21
28Interim arrangements to fill critical COVID-19 response
37Interim Arrangements to Fill Vacancies at South Metropolitan Health Service 13-Aug-24
38Temporary regional attraction and retention incentives31-Dec-23 
43Interim arrangements to fill vacancies at Department of Justice31-Aug-24
44Interim Arrangements to Fill Vacancies at East Metropolitan Health Service 18-Nov-24



Commissioner's Instructions

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