Rural community development

Improving rural access to government services, local business partnerships and support for community projects.

Apply for a Community Stewardship Grant

Community Stewardship Grants are available annually to support community-based projects that serve to protect and restore the local environment, enabling local community groups to undertake stewardship of natural resources in their local area.

Apply for funding for a regional event

Our Regional Events Scheme (RES), supported by Royalties for Regions, is an annual funding round for smaller, developing regional events across the state.

Find your local Community Resource Centre

Locally owned and operated, community resource centres (CRCs) provide a wide array of information and community-based services to local people, businesses and visitors.

Regional Pensioner Travel Card

From 1 July 2024, the Regional Pensioner Travel Card replaced the Country Age Pension Fuel Card. The Travel Card supports eligible country pensioners with travel costs to access government services to enhance their quality of life.