Perth and Peel urban land development outlook

The Perth and Peel urban land development outlook forms a major part of the UDP’s role in monitoring urban growth for the purpose of effectively coordinating land supply and infrastructure provision within the Perth and Peel metropolitan area.
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Urban land development outlook 2020/21

The Urban Land Development Outlook 2020/21 spatially displays the future land and dwelling development over the short, medium and longer terms within the Perth metropolitan and Peel region, drawing on input from State and local government and the private sector. 

The 2020/21 release of the ULDO includes residential, special residential, retirement villages and aged care facilities, special rural, industrial, commercial and tourism land uses. Within the residential land uses, the ULDO captures future fringe and infill development of five dwellings or more across both single and multiple dwelling developments.

Demand and supply profiles

The Perth and Peel development outlook – demand and supply profiles have been prepared as part of the Urban development program (UDP), following a comprehensive review of the former Metropolitan development program. This publication covers the Perth metropolitan area and the Peel sub-region.

The report and sub-regional profiles describe the drivers of demand for land and housing in Perth and Peel, discussing recent trends and their implications for future urban growth. They also describe the ‘land supply pipeline’, identifying and reporting on the key stages of the land supply process to provide a comprehensive assessment of land, lot and dwelling supply in the Perth and Peel metropolitan area.

Perth and Peel development outlook 2011/12

The Perth and Peel development outlook report provides a comprehensive description and analysis of the factors shaping supply and demand for land and dwellings in the Perth and Peel metropolitan area.

Perth and Peel development outlook (PDF 7 MB)

Sub-regional profiles

The sub-regional profiles focus on supply and demand matters unique to each sub-region, providing a more detailed view of the opportunities and challenges associated with development in different parts of the Perth and Peel metropolitan area.

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