Home WA 黑料正能量 Document collections Reports and Papers: Projects 30 to 39 Reports and Papers: Projects 30 to 39 The Western Australian Law Reform Commission Reports and Papers. All publications, including Background Papers, Discussion Papers and Final Reports are available to download. Last updated: 29 April 2024 Listen to article Your browser does not support the audio element. Project 30 to 39 Project 39 - Compensation for new street alignments Project 38 - Sale of undivided shares in land Project 37 - Land Agents Act Project 36(I) - Limitation and notice of actions: latent disease and injury Project 36(II) - Limitation and notice of actions Project 35 - Unauthorised disposal of goods interstate: right to repossession Project 34(I) - Distribution on intestacy Project 34(II) - Administration bonds and sureties Project 34(III) - Administration of deceased insolvent Project 34(IV) - Recognition of interstate and foreign grants of probate and administration Project 34(V) - Trustees' powers of investment Project 34(VI) - Charitable trusts Project 34(VII) - Administration of assets of the solvent estates of deceased persons in the payment of debts and legacies Project 34(VIII) - Protection and remuneration of trustees Project 33 - Dividing fences Project 32 - The immunity of suit between husband and wife Project 31 - Competence and compellability of spouses to give evidence in criminal proceedings Project 30 - Imposition of fines Sidebar Provided by Law Reform Commission of Western Australia Contact Address: Telephone: 61 8 9264 1600 Email: lrcwa@justice.wa.gov.au Share Copy URL
Project 34(VII) - Administration of assets of the solvent estates of deceased persons in the payment of debts and legacies