Consultation summary report - Guideline spring exemptions

Key matters raised and how feedback assisted in preparing the final guideline
Last updated:

We developed the draft Guideline: Spring exemptions to inform landowners and occupiers of land about the process for determining a spring exemption under Part III section 5(1)(a) of the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 (the Act).

This was released for on 17 December 2021 for an initial three months. To assist stakeholders who expressed challenges with reviewing and providing input within the initial consultation timeframe, we extended the public consultation period to give everyone reasonable opportunity to make a submission. The consultation period closed on 31 May 2022 after a five-month period.

In February 2022, we field tested the draft guideline with members of the Warren Donnelly Water Advisory Committee and some landholders at various properties in the Warren and Donnelly river catchments. In May 2022, we hosted online forums with several south-west stakeholder groups to discuss the draft guideline and answer questions to help the groups formulate a written submission as part of the public consultation process.

The final Guideline: Spring exemption was released on 20 April 2023.

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