Discussion Paper - Legislative Council reform and Members Allowances - October 2023

The Salaries and Allowances Tribunal has published a Discussion Paper in relation to the reforms of the Legislative Council and its affects of the Allowances provided to Members.
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Discussion Paper - Legislative Council reform and Members Allowances 

The Salaries and Allowances Tribunal has released a Discussion Paper following enactment of the Constitutional and Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Equality) Act 2021, which reforms the structure of the Legislative Council following the next State election in 2025, and where the six Legislative Council Regions will be replaced with a single whole of State electorate.

The Discussion Paper examines three broad areas:

  1. has the move to a single electorate altered the roles or the requirements of Legislative Council Members?
  2. does the Tribunal need to re-evaluate its method of defining a regional Member?
  3. depending on its decisions on the prior two points, the Tribunal will need to re-structure some of its current allowances to suit the constitution of the new Legislative Council.

The Tribunal welcomes written submissions from any interested parties which can be made at submissions@sat.wa.gov.au

Submissions must be received by 29 February 2024.

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