Driving Change Road Safety Action Plan 2021-2023 Progress Report

Corporate report
This report outlines the progress of actions detailed in the Western Australian Driving Change Road Safety Action Plan for 2021-2023.
Last updated:

This document reports on activities undertaken against 41 actions outlined in the first action plan (of four) operating across Safe Roads, Safe Road Users, Safe Speeds, Safe Vehicles and Post-Crash Response priorities under the Driving Change Road Safety Strategy 2020-2030.

This report has been compiled in consultation with reporting agencies including WA Police Force, Main Roads WA, Department of Transport, and Department of Health. It demonstrates significant activity against the majority of actions during this period, with many now embedded as ongoing business activities.

Some notable achievements for this period include:

  • Road safety improvement and speed reduction measures applied to over 7000km of regional roads via the Regional Road Safety Program.
  • Delivery of State and National Blackspot programs that directly target roads with a proven crash or injury prevalence, history or locations identified as high-risk.
  • Re-design of the Road Safety Community Grants and Partnerships program to establish sustainable longer-term partnerships that deliver road safety improvements at a local community level.
  • The development and delivery of universal and targeted campaigns that raise awareness of the risks of inattention, drink and drug driving.
  • Introduction of rules allowing the use of eRideables in public, and ongoing monitoring and review of these rules
  • Intensive testing of new ‘safety camera’ technology, and development of an accompanying strategy to ensure cameras are used in a way that best delivers road safety benefits.
  • Investment in national road safety and safer vehicle programs such as ANCAP, MotoCAP and the Vehicle Safety Research Group, and significant funding for the WA Centre for Road Safety Research.
  • Provision of state-wide road trauma support services to individuals, communities, and emergency service personnel impacted by road crashes.  

The next Driving Change Action Plan for 2024-2026 is in development and will be available soon. 

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