Fact Sheet: RTO Reporting Requirements

Fact sheet
This Training Accreditation Council (TAC) fact sheet provides an overview of the reporting obligations of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
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RTO reporting and requirements fact sheet - Print version - PDF (328KB)

As an RTO, you must collect and report a range of accurate and complete data about your business and operations, in line with following clauses from the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015:

  • Clause 7.5 - The RTO provides accurate and current information as required by the Data Provision Requirements as updated from time to time.
  • Clause 8.1c - The RTO cooperates with the VET Regulator by providing quality/performance indicator data.
  • Clause 8.4 - The RTO provides an annual declaration on compliance with these Standards to the VET Regulator and in particular whether it:

 a) currently meets the requirements of the Standards across all its scope of registration and has met the requirements of the Standards for all AQF certification documentation it has issued in the previous 12 months; and

 b) has training and assessment strategies and practices in place that ensure that all current and prospective learners will be trained and assessed in accordance with the requirements of the Standards.

The list of reports an RTO is required to provide is as follows:

ReportFrequencyReporting PeriodDue Date
Total VET Activity ReportingAt least annuallyPrevious calendar year January – December28/29 Feb
Learner and Employer SurveysAnnuallyPrevious calendar year January – December30 June
Annual Declaration on ComplianceAnnuallyPrevious financial year July – June30 Sept

Additional information is also available on the TAC website


Total VET activity reporting (AVETMISS & USI)

FrequencyReporting PeriodDue Date
At least annually Previous calendar year January – December28/29 February

Total VET Activity (TVA) is a mandatory national reporting requirement for RTOs to the  (NCVER).

TVA is the collection and reporting of data that complies with the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS). AVETMISS is a national data standard that ensures consistent and accurate capture and reporting of VET information about students including who they are, where they study, and what they study in accordance with the .

The  (USI) forms part of an RTO's AVETMISS data and must be included in its TVA submission.

Exemptions from submitting data compliant with the AVETMISS for the National VET Provider Collection may apply in some cases. RTOs must consult with TAC for an exemption and will need to provide evidence to support their claim for an exemption against the training products on their scope of registration.

More information on current exemptions and the full list of TAC RTOs accessing exemptions is available on the TAC website.

What information do I need to collect?

RTOs are required to collect and submit full AVETMISS data on all nationally recognised training where there is a responsibility for issuing a statement of attainment or qualification. The  and  provide more information on what is expected to be collected and reported.

TVA reports for the previous calendar year are required to be submitted by the end of February, unless a full exemption applies under the .

All RTOs now have the opportunity to submit their AVETMISS data quarterly if they wish to do so. RTOs that choose to submit their data quarterly must continue to provide a submission to the annual collection on all of the nationally recognised training activity they delivered in the calendar year.

Instructions for reporting:

Publicly funded data

All publicly funded data reporting is submitted directly to the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD), the State Training Authority (STA) in WA via Training Resource Allocation Management System (TAMS) reporting requirements.

RTOs accessing state funding should contact DTWD via training.markets@dtwd.wa.gov.au  with further enquiries regarding submission of AVETMISS data, as the requirements differ for training delivered under funding agreements.

Non-publicly funded data

All other data is reported directly to NCVER via the .

For assistance with the AVETMISS validation software, RTOs should contact  directly.

Additional information:

More information on National VET Data including Frequently Asked Questions, the National Data Policy and VET Data Legislation and Privacy Notice, is available from the .

NCVER has developed an  which provides Fact Sheets, an AVETMISS data entry tool for RTOs with less than 100 students,  AVETMISS validation software for RTOs to validate their data before submission as well as a range of other resources on their website.


Learner and Employer Survey Results

FrequencyReporting PeriodDue Date
AnnuallyPrevious calendar year January – December30 June

The Learner Engagement and Employer Satisfaction survey data forms part of the Quality Indicators. The RTO administers surveys (either electronically or in hard copy) to students and employers then collects and reports on the data.  The surveys can be accessed by clicking on the links above.

Further information is available on the TAC Website.

Instructions for submitting a Summary Report:

  1. Create a summary report (there is no prescribed template), which should include:
  • the total number of each questionnaire distributed
  • the total number of each survey received back
  • how the learner engagement data has been used to continuously improve the RTO’s services
  • how the employer satisfaction data has been used to continuously improve the RTO’s services (if applicable)
  1. Email the report to tac@dtwd.wa.gov.au.

If you have no data for the reporting period, please complete the following steps:

  1. Email tac@dtwd.wa.gov.au advising that the RTO had no enrolments or completions for the reporting period. 


Annual Declaration

FrequencyReporting PeriodDue Date
AnnuallyPrevious financial year July – June30 September

Clause 8.4 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (the Standards) requires RTOs to provide TAC with an annual declaration on compliance.

The declaration is in relation to whether the RTO:

1. currently meets the requirements of the Standards across all its scope of registration and if not, action taken or planned to address the non-compliance; and

2. has met the requirements of the Standards for all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) certification documentation issued in the last financial year.

By submitting the annual declaration, the RTO's Legally Responsible Person is confirming that:

  • the RTO systematically monitors and evaluates training and assessment strategies and practices; and
  • uses the outcomes of monitoring and evaluation to inform improvements in business and educational practice. 

Systematic evaluation should be based on evidence from a range of sources, including outcomes of validation, complaints and appeal processes, feedback from learners, clients, trainers and assessors and quality/performance indicator data collected under the Data Provision Requirements.

The annual declaration covers the RTO's entire scope of operations, including all services provided on its behalf by other organisations under third party arrangements, and for all locations where the RTO operates in Western Australia, Victoria or overseas.

Completing the Declaration:

The Annual Declaration on Compliance for RTOs registered with TAC is due by 30 September for the previous financial year.

RTOs that do not submit an annual declaration by the due date may be deemed to be non-compliant with Clause 8.4 of the Standards for RTOs.

Additional information on the Annual Declaration on Compliance is available on the TAC website.

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