How to use this summary
When you see ‘we’, ‘our’, or ‘Finance’, it means the Western Australian Department of Finance.
When you see ‘plan’ it means our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2023-2027.
We wrote this plan in an easy-to-read way.
This is a summary of the plan.
It only includes the most important ideas.
You can find the full plan on our DAIP webpage.
A message from Jodi Cant, Director General Department of Finance
The Department of Finance (Finance) is committed to being an inclusive workplace where employees are valued, and diversity is celebrated.
We are also dedicated to providing effective services that meet the changing needs of all our customers.
This plan outlines the way we will strengthen our current initiatives and introduce accessible services for all members of our community.
We are committed to achieving the seven outcomes included in this plan, which will foster an inclusive work environment within Finance and respond to the needs of people with disability, their families and the broader community.
Our Progress
Finance has introduced a range of initiatives to support equitable and full access and inclusion for staff and customers.
This progress includes:
- Installing accessible ramps, automatic doors, and Braille on lifts at our office in Osborne Park.
- Accessible toilets and lift keypads at our city office.
- Signs in kitchens for staff with visual impairment.
- Improving our website.
- Activities to improve staff understanding of challenges faced by people with disability, and how to make the workplace more accessible and inclusive.
- Graduate and traineeship programs for people with disability.
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2023-2027
This plan provides a framework for identifying ways where we can further improve access and inclusion for its staff, customers and stakeholders within the Western Australian community.
We are committed to ensuring people with disability, their families and carers can fully access our services, information and facilities.
It is important to us that we provide the same opportunities to all people.
A subcommittee was formed to develop the plan.
Activities included:
- The review of our previous plan and the progress made.
- Inviting the community to provide input.
- Inviting employees to contribute to the plan.
- Identifying potential barriers to accessing our services that people with disability may experience.
- Identifying suggestions to overcome these barriers.
- Investigation of contemporary trends and best practice in access and inclusion plans.
- Review and endorsement by our Corporate Executive.
We will monitor and report on the implementation and progress of the plan.
Key achievements will be reported in Finance annual report.
Outcomes and Strategies
Outcome 1
People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the services of, and any event by, Finance.
- Events organised by Finance are accessible to people with disability.
- Opportunities are provided for people with disability to comment on access to events, services and advice provided by Finance.
- Finance ensures its agents and contractors are aware of their obligations under this plan.
- The outcomes of this plan are incorporated into Finance’s strategic business planning, budgeting processes and other relevant plans and strategies.
Outcome 2
People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the buildings and other facilities of Finance.
- Finance’s buildings and facilities are physically accessible for people with disability.
- Finance buildings have emergency evacuation procedures in place and regular training is conducted to ensure the safety of people with disability.
- Finance building signage meets the needs of people with disability.
Outcome 3
People with disability receive information from Finance in a format that will enable them to access the information as readily as other people are able to access it.
- Our website and intranet are accessible and inclusive.
- Our systems are accessible for people with disability.
- Information is accessible or is available on request in alternative formats.
- There is on-request access to interpreter services for people with a disability.
Outcome 4
People with disability receive the same level and quality of services from Finance staff as other people receive.
- Employees are aware and adequately trained to provide quality services to people with disability.
- Promote policies, codes of conduct and strategies that prohibit discrimination, harassment and victimisation of employees and visitors with a disability.
- Significant access and inclusion calendar events are recognised and celebrated.
Outcome 5
People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints to Finance.
- Complaints Policy and process are accessible and supportive for people with disability.
- Review feedback regarding access and inclusion matters and identify and address any systemic issues.
- The Language Services Policy is aligned with the WA Language Services Policy.
Outcome 6
People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to participate in any public consultation by Finance.
- Appropriate protocols to support community consultation are established and implemented which encourage people with disability to participate.
Outcome 7
People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to obtain and maintain employment with Finance.
- Develop and maintain innovative strategies to nurture an inclusive, diverse, values-based workforce that attracts employees with disability.
- Recruitment processes are inclusive and support people with disability to apply for roles with Finance.
- Maintain a diverse culture that supports access and inclusion.
Contact us
For information, feedback or alternative formats.
Phone: (08) 6551 1000
Mail: Locked Bag 11, Cloisters Square WA 6850
Translating and interpreting service (TIS National)
If you require translating or interpreting into another language, please call on 131 450.
Finance’s client code for booking an interpreter or a translator is C949461.
A separate client code C465406 applies to RevenueWA bookings.
For a non-English speaking client who is hearing impaired, contact the and ask them to call TIS National for a language interpreter.
National Relay Service
Contact the on:
- TTY 133 677 – Speak and Read, Type and Read and Type and Listen (if you have a hearing or a speech impaired client).
- Voice Relay 1300 555 727 – Speak and Listen (if you have a client with a speech impairment).
- SMS Relay 0423 677 767 – Text and Listen.