Fit and Proper Person Declaration

This declaration addresses the matters specified in Schedule 3 (Standards for Registered Training Organisations Amendment (Fit and Proper Person) Instrument 2023) of the Standards for RTOs and the persons to whom they will be applied.
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Anyone who manages a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) including Executive Officers, High Managerial Agents, Legally Responsible Officers, Owners, or Persons of Control and Influence must satisfy Fit and Proper Person Requirements (FPPR) as outlined in Schedule 3 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Standards for RTOs) and the Vocational Education and Training (General) Regulations 2009.

Meeting the FPPR is a requirement for registration with the Training Accreditation Council (TAC).

You must make a ‘Fit and Proper Person Declaration’ when the organisation:

  • applies for initial registration; or
  • applies for renewal of registration; or
  • employs a new executive officer/s, legally responsible officer, high managerial agent/s, owner/s or person/s of control or influence.

Further information is available in the Fit and Proper Person Declaration Policy.

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