Land Tax Form - Confirmation of Two Year Residential Exemption

FLT24AB - Confirm an exemption from land tax for two consecutive assessment years for a newly constructed or refurbished residence.
Last updated:

You may be eligible for a land tax exemption for up to two consecutive assessment years if it has taken two or more assessment years to complete construction or refurbishment of your private residential property if:

  • you carry out construction or refurbishment in the first assessment year and
  • you complete construction or refurbishment in the second assessment year and
  • you start using the property as your primary residence in the second assessment year and
  • no income was derived from the property between the beginning of the first assessment year and the time the property is used as your primary residence and
  • you do not own any other private residential property that is exempt from land tax as your primary residence.

When to submit this confirmation form

If you submitted the application form after your construction or refurbishment commenced, complete and lodge the confirmation form below after you have started using the constructed/refurbished property as your primary residence.

We have provisionally approved your exemption in anticipation that you will complete the residence and start using it as your primary residence within two assessment years. If this has not occurred, we will 'roll forward' the exemption and issue an assessment for the first assessment year. If you don't lodge the form, we may remove the exemption.

See the ‘Land Tax Exemptions - Transitional, Newly Constructed and Refurbished Private Residences’ fact sheet.

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