Middle Helena catchment area land use and water management strategy

The strategy examined existing land uses within the catchment and the impacts on water quality and potential risks of contamination.
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The overall aim of the strategy is to provide a framework for sustainable land use and water management for the catchment area by way of integrating the land use planning process, public drinking water source protection and catchment management.

The strategy, prepared by the Department of Planning, on behalf of the WAPC, includes a proposed priority source protection area map (figure 13) that recommends the classification of all land in the Middle Helena catchment area into three risk management based priority zones. Priority 1 source protection areas are defined to ensure that there is no degradation of the water source. Priority 2 areas are defined to ensure that there is no increased risk of pollution to the water source, while priority 3 areas are defined to manage the risk of pollution to the water source. The proposed priority source protection area map is generally aligned with the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and local planning scheme reservations and zonings. The priority classifications provide the basis for future land use decisions.

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