Planning guidelines - Transport impact assessment

The Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) guidelines have been prepared to assist land use planners and transport planning professionals to undertake and assess transport impact assessments of land use development proposals.
Last updated:


The Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) guidelines have been prepared by the Department of Planning, on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC), to assist land use planners and transport planning professionals to undertake and assess transport impact assessments of land use development proposals.

In the context of the guidelines, the term ‘development’ is used in the broader sense, covering various aspects of land use development proposals, including scheme amendments, structure plans, subdivision and individual development applications.

Current status

The TIA guidelines have been updated and were endorsed by the WAPC on 26 July 2016.

The endorsed TIA guidelines (August 2016) now replace the Transport Assessment Guidelines for Developments (August 2006 version for trial and evaluation). Therefore, all new applications, from 30 September 2016, must now be prepared having regard to the current 2016 TIA guidelines.

About the TIA guidelines

The TIA guidelines bring together relevant technical standards and policies in order to consistently and comprehensively assess the level of impact development will have on the transport network, whilst keeping in line with state planning policies and practises.

As such, the TIA guidelines provide clarification of, and expand on, the transport information required and the scope and content of the assessment in order to satisfy the relevant policies. They will help streamline the assessment and approvals process by ensuring the required supporting information is provided up-front with land use proposals.

Transport officers within state and local government will use the TIA guidelines to assist them in assessing the transport implications of land use development proposals. Proponents of land use developments, and their planning/transport consultants will use the guidelines to assist them in determining land use and transport integration, the transport infrastructure required to support their development and the potential transport impacts on the surrounding area.

The TIA guidelines have been structured to accommodate, and be used for, different stages of the planning and approval process. As such the TIA guidelines are organised into 5 stand-alone volumes, with relevant checklists in volumes 2-4.

  • Volume 1 – Introduction and general guidance
  • Volume 2 – Planning schemes, structure plans and activity centre plans
  • Volume 3 – Subdivision
  • Volume 4 – Individual developments
  • Volume 5 – Technical guidance
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