Project 9 - Statute law revision

Independent report
Commenced: 1968; Withdrawn: 1970
Last updated:

In January 1968, the then Minister of Justice published a press release that stated: ‘One important function of the Committee will be to cooperate and help in the coordination of the work of the Statute Law Revision Section of the Crown Law Department’.* In accordance with this release the Committee included statute law revision as a project in its first reform programme; however, its assistance on the subject was never sought.

[*Minister of Justice, Press Release, (3 January 1968), referred to in Law Reform Committee of Western Australia, Annual Report (1968) 3.]

Terms of Reference

In 1968 the Committee assumed a reference to coordinate statute law revision and law reform in Western Australia.


The reference was withdrawn in 1970 following advice that the Statute Law Revision Section was to be attached to the Parliamentary Draftsman’s Office.

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