Western Australian Space Sector Overview

Research and analysis
Western Australia has more than 60 years’ experience in the space industry with its geographic location, dry environmental conditions, radio quiet zones and clear skies providing an attractive setting for major space projects since the late 1950s.
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Today, Western Australia is involved in a range of space operations, hosts significant space infrastructure for both civil and defence applications and is home to more than 100 international and Australian organisations operating space and space-related services. Significant areas of activity and capability include ground-based satellite and deep space communications; space situational awareness; data processing and analysis; and world-leading remote operations automation and robotics. Additionally, Western Australia has emerging capabilities in space mission operations, optical communications, satellite development and launch.  

Western Australia is also home to five universities and various research institutions with established expertise in the space industry and related fields, feeding into a vibrant R&D and innovation ecosystem. The Western Australian workforce is highly skilled and diverse, with a pipeline of skilled workers in space and space related fields.

Western Australian organisations also have strong collaborations with international space and defence companies and international space agencies including NASA, European Space Agency (ESA) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

Building on these strengths and utilising the State’s current and expanding space infrastructure, capabilities and geographic advantage for the global coverage of space assets, Western Australia will continue to increase activities in providing critical space mission and remote operation services to international space agencies and private space companies.  

With a diverse and strong economy, Western Australia also has a significant market for space technology and space data within its mining, oil and gas, agriculture, defence, energy, and maritime industry sectors. 

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