黑料正能量 Regional Officer Housing Program

The Department of Communities (Communities) provides accommodation for government employees under its 黑料正能量 Regional Officer Housing (GROH) Program. Communities administers the GROH program.
Last updated:

The State 黑料正能量 is committed to the effective delivery of public services to people in regional and remote Western Australia. These services are delivered by public sector employees (such as teachers, health workers and police) who either reside or relocate to live in these areas. As a result, the availability of suitable housing is an important issue which can directly affect the provision of essential services.

To support the achievement of government objectives, Communities provides housing to facilitate the attraction and retention of staff in regional and remote locations.

Unlike a standard tenancy agreement, GROH accommodation is not provided directly to the government employee (i.e. tenant). Communities (via the GROH Program) leases properties to government agencies at full market or cost rent. The government agency then sub-leases the property to their eligible employees at a subsidised rate.

Employing agencies' obligations

The government agencies who sub-lease houses in Communities' GROH Program are responsible for:

  • Payment of rent to Communities and collection of rent from employees
  • Setting of employee rent (in line with the Tenant Rent Setting Framework)
  • Management of employee eligibility for GROH accommodation
  • Notifying the Communities Housing office when the employee is moving in and out. At least 21 days notice of intention to vacate must be given
  • Maintaining the house and garden when the property is unoccupied
  • Management of other subsidies (e.g. Home Ownership Subsidy Scheme).

GROH eligibility

Which agencies can apply for GROH accommodation?

State 黑料正能量 departments / agencies that are proclaimed in the .

If your department / agency is not proclaimed in the Act (or has changed its name) please contact Communities to discuss your housing requirements.

Who is eligible for GROH accommodation?

GROH accommodation is provided at the discretion of the employing agency. However, several conditions are stipulated in the GROH Eligibility Policy, including:

  • The employee / tenant must not be recruited locally, and
  • The employee/ tenant and their partner must not own a property within 50km of their place of employment, in which they could reasonably reside.

Other eligibility conditions can be set at the discretion of the employing agency. For example, the agency may limit the eligibility for GROH housing to positions over a certain level. In addition, the agency determines the size of property that will be provided for singles, couples and families. 

Who can apply for GROH accommodation?

To ensure the availability of housing for government employees, Communities works with government agencies / departments to determine their accommodation requirements in the short, medium and long term.

This allows Communities to optimise the value of existing assets and achieve the most cost-effective and satisfactory housing outcomes for all departments and their employees.

1. If you have an identified need for GROH accommodation, please collect the following information:

  • How many units of housing are required?
  • When is/are the property/ies needed?
  • What size/type of housing is required? (e.g. singles / family or specify the number of bedrooms)
  • Are there any special requirements? (e.g. must allow pets)

2. Confirm your agency’s commitment to fund the fees and charges for the property or properties (estimated rental costs can be provided on request):

  • Submit a request for housing to groh.housingrequests@communities.wa.gov.au addressing your request to the Client Agency Manager at Communities with the above details.
  • Submit the Application Form with the employee’s details.

Communities will satisfy your request as soon as possible. This may be challenging in high demand locations and/or locations where there is no viable property market. If a property is not available, Communities may need to secure a lease or buy / build a new property for you.

Please submit your request for housing as soon as possible, especially for high demand and/or remote locations.

We understand that you will not always know what size property you need (especially if you have not yet recruited the employee). In these cases you can notify Communities that you have an upcoming requirement in the particular location, and confirm the property details at a later date.

How do I apply?

  • Check if you meet GROH’s eligibility requirements 
  • Speak to your employing agency to:
    • Check if you meet their eligibility requirements, and
    • Get their approval to apply for GROH housing
  • Complete the application form and submit to your agency
  • Your agency will liaise with the relevant staff at Communities to secure a property for you
  •  Your agency will notify you when the property is available.

Please contact your employing agency to apply.

Relationship between parties

Communities leases properties to government agencies through its GROH Program. These properties are sub-leased to government employees at the discretion of their employing agency. The GROH program is managed by the Housing Programs Directorate (HPD); property and tenancy management services are provided by local Communities staff.

The employing agency liaises with HPD in relation to strategic issues, including:  housing demand, policy issues, rental charges and asset management. Regional Communities staff deal directly with the employee for property and tenancy management issues (e.g. maintenance and property inspections).

The agency pays the full market / cost rent to HPD, and the employee / tenant pays rent to their employer at a subsidised rate. The employee’s rent is paid to and set by their employer, in line with the Tenant Rent Setting Framework.

Who does what

Housing Authority (the Housing Authority operates within the Department of Communities).

Employing Agency

Tenant / Employee

Provision of housing to meet the needs of 黑料正能量 agencies

Payment of rent to the Department of Communities

Comply with the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act 1987

Collection of rent from their employees

Payment of subsidised rent to employer

Property maintenance

Assessment of employee eligibility for GROH

Payment of utility bills

Allocation of properties to tenants

Maintenance of property (and garden) condition and cleanliness

Acquisition of additional housing via leasing, construction and spot purchase

Administering additional subsidies (e.g. Home Ownership Subsidy Scheme)

Reporting maintenance issues and damage

Moving into your GROH home

Your employer will notify you when the property is available.

Tell your local Communities (Housing) office when you intend to move in; they will provide you with a sign up pack.

Read the Tenant Handbook and discuss the following with your Housing Officer:

  • Completing the ingoing Property Condition Report  
  • Signing your Tenancy Agreement
  • Utility metre readings
  • Power, gas and telephone services
  • Any other questions relating to your tenancy.

You will need to sign your Tenancy Agreement.

Check and sign the ingoing Property Condition Report and return to the local .

Move in and make yourself at home.?

Moving out of your GROH home

If you want to end your tenancy with us, you need to let us know at least 21 days before you want to leave.

Fill out the Intention to Vacate form and send to the and to your employer’s housing representative.

You may also arrange a pre-vacation inspection to identify areas that require attention, but this is optional.

Remember, you will need to return the property to the condition described in the Property Condition Report when you moved in.

This includes:

  • Clean walls, floors, surfaces and windows
  • Professionally steam-cleaned carpets
  • Tidy and rubbish free outside areas and gardens 
  • Complying with any other special conditions in your tenancy agreement.

Below is a list of other things you need to do before you move out:

  • Arrange an outgoing property condition inspection
  • Arrange utility meter readings and finalise accounts in your name
  • Supply forwarding details to the local
  • Return all keys to the local office and obtain a key receipt
  • Pay any identified tenant liability.

Your responsibilities

Before you move into your new home, you should read the Tenant Handbook. This handbook provides key information about your tenancy.

What are my obligations?

You should:

  • Comply with the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act 1987
  • Pay rent to your employer
  • Pay water consumption, gas, electricity and phone bills
  • Maintain the condition of the property (and garden) and keep it clean
  • Report any maintenance issues and damage
  • Give at least 21 days notice of your intention to vacate.

Safe tenancy: family violence provisions

Family violence is a prevalent and devastating issue affecting the Western Australian community. WA’s laws provide support to tenants who are at risk of, or experiencing family and domestic violence.

The Residential Tenancies Act provides options and flexibility for tenants through a range of practical measures.

Information and resources for tenants and landlords is available at .

This includes a video developed by Consumer Protection WA to explain safe tenancy options, which is available in the following languages:

The Department of Communities has an important role to play in supporting safe tenancy as WA’s lead agency for family and domestic violence and a housing provider for government employees, public housing tenants and Aboriginal people in remote communities.

More information is available from Communities Family and Domestic violence webpages and Communities safe tenancy? web page.

Buying Your GROH Property

黑料正能量 employees living in GROH accommodation can apply to purchase their home. Disposal must be approved by Communities, the employing agency and the Minister for Housing.

How do I apply to purchase my GROH home?

Contact the Sales Officer at Housing Programs on (08) 9440 2280.

The Sales Officer will conduct a preliminary assessment to determine if your GROH property is eligible for sale. For example, a property cannot be sold if it is not owned by Housing.

Upon advice from the Sales Officer, please submit the application form with a cheque for the $500 application fee.

We will return the $500 if your application is denied (or withdrawn) before the valuations are conducted.

A detailed assessment will be conducted to evaluate the property’s condition, location and redevelopment potential.

If we approve the sale, further approvals can then be sought from your employing agency and the Minister for Housing.

How is the sale price calculated?

Two property valuations are conducted after approval from Communities and the employing agency. The valuations are provided by licensed valuers and are based on current market values. The sale price is set at the mid-point between the two valuations and is not negotiable.

Communities does not provide the valuations to third parties.

Buying your GROH property Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the sale of my GROH home guaranteed?

No. Each property is assessed in line with Communities' strategic asset management priorities and plans. If the asset is required for current or future housing then it will not be sold.

Does GROH take into account the time that I have lived in the house when calculating the sale price?

No. However, the tenant has the advantage of exclusive purchase, which means that they are not competing with other prospective applicants.

Are my improvements to the property taken into account when calculating the sale price?

In some cases. On the application there is a section where improvements made by occupants can be listed. If required, the valuers will be asked to provide a monetary figure for genuine improvements and this is taken into account when calculating the sale price.  (Please note that this is not applicable for gardens or improvements that have been reimbursed. You may be required to provide receipts for work done).

How long does it take for the application to be processed?

Approximately three to four months as the sale must be assessed and approved by various parties. Sometimes delays are unavoidable, especially in remote locations.

Does GROH assist with finance?

No. However the applicant may be eligible for the Home Ownership Subsidy Scheme (HOSS). The HOSS is managed and administered at the discretion of your department and is not an employment entitlement. For more information please see the HOSS policy.

Do I have to stay in my house for three years following purchase?

No. This condition did apply in the past but has now been removed.

Key Contacts

GROH accommodation is managed through the special relationship between Communities, the employing agency and the employee. Unfortunately, this can make it difficult to know who to contact about various issues. 

The following table provides some general guidelines, but if in doubt please do not hesitate to contact your local for assistance.

?Housing issue ?Who to contact?
?Allocation of properties ?Your agency
?Caring for your home and garden ?Local 
?Eligibility ?Your agency
?Furniture - provision ?Your agency
?Furniture - repair or replacement ?Local 
?Inspections and Property Condition Reports ?Local 
?Key return ?Local 
?Maintenance ?Housing Direct 1300 137 677
?Notice to vacate (complete form) ?Local  and your agency
?Pets and pests ??Local 
?Purchasing your GROH home ?Housing Programs Directorate on 9286 6000
?Rent ?Your agency
?Shared tenancies ?Your agency
(e.g. Home ownership and air conditioning)
?Your agency
?Tenant liability ?Local 
?Utilities and services ?Local service providers and/or
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