Thrive Program

Thrive is a support program for Aboriginal housing and public housing clients. An initiative of the Department of Communities, Thrive is delivered in partnership with non-government organisations.
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Empowering individuals and families to live their best lives by building their skills and knowledge to reach their social and economic goals

What is Thrive?

Thrive is a support program for Aboriginal housing and public housing clients. It takes a holistic approach to enhance people鈥檚 lives by looking at the wider needs of the individual. It will have a stronger focus on early intervention, supporting people to identify and tackle problems before they become too great.

The program will assist clients to improve their life skills, increase their ability to manage their household independently and participate in their community.

An initiative of the Department of Communities (Communities), Thrive is delivered in partnership with non-government organisations.

How will Thrive support people?

Thrive replaced the Support and Tenant Education Program (STEP). It has been developed through consultation with stakeholders, including current clients, service providers and government agencies.

Thrive focuses on the tailored delivery of services that reflect the diversity of our clients and the community by mobilising local solutions.

The Thrive program aims to:

  • Assist people to manage their household by developing strategies to grow their capacity and resilience.
  • Help people to navigate and link up with support services and programs across government and the private sector.
  • Provide people with long term sustainable support networks.
  • Build people鈥檚 connections to their community.

The Role of the community services sector

Communities, through a tender process, partnered with selected support providers to deliver Thrive services.

Key services include:

  • Tailored case coordination and management that addresses the wider needs of clients
  • Culturally and linguistically appropriate support
  • Direct support provision
  • Regular home visits
  • Support service navigation and referral facilitation assistance. Potentially providing the opportunity for the greater community services sector to play its part.

The role of Communities

Thrive, through sector partnerships, is one of our key programs to empower individuals and families to build their capacity, capability and resilience.

We work with people to build pathways to change and support them along their journey.

Thrive will support stable homes that provide a secure foundation for life by connecting people to social and economic support which will help grow inclusive and accessible communities.

In delivering Thrive we will continue transforming our services to meet the needs of the community.

Everything we do is about people, place and home.

The Thrive Service Providers are as follows:

Service Provider Contract Zones
Outcare Inc. North Metropolitan
South Metropolitan
South East Metropolitan
Great Southern
Wanslea Limited


Mission Australia     Midwest-Gascoyne
Nirrumbuk Environmental Health and Services     East Kimberley
West Kimberley
Ngaanyatjarra Council     Ngaanyatjarra Lands


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