Better Regulation – Regulatory Impact Assessment

Guidance to support agencies develop and implement regulatory proposals, within the framework of the Better Regulation Program.
Last updated:

The Better Regulation Program generally proceeds as follows:

  • Agency conducts a self-assessment of their proposal 
    • Assess whether it is likely to create significant adverse economic impact by using the Agency Self-assessment Template as a guide. 
    • This assessment should be signed off at the Executive Director level.
    • Consider whether an exclusion applies by checking the list in the Agency Information Paper.
    • If the agency self-assessment indicates that the proposal is likely to have a significant adverse economic impact on stakeholders, then it is good practice to meet with the Better Regulation Unit to discuss undertaking a full regulatory impact assessment and the development of a Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement and Decision Regulatory Impact Statement.
  • Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (CRIS)
    • Define the problem.
    • Discuss non-regulatory and regulatory options.
    • Include analysis of options.
    • Provide to BRU for assessment and BRU will provide a Letter of Advice before the CRIS is published for stakeholder comment.
  • Decision Regulatory Impact Statement (DRIS)
    • Finalisation of the DRIS, which must recommend a preferred option and the supporting reasons.
    • Discussion of implementation and evaluation plans
    • Outline of review plans.
    • Provide the DRIS to BRU for assessment and BRU will provide a Letter of Advice.
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