Wageline provides information for all private sector employers and employees on:
- Long service leave in WA
- When children can work in WA
- Which of the two systems of employment law that operate for the private sector in WA applies to particular types of businesses/employers
Wageline also provides information for private sector employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system on:
- WA awards, pay rates and working arrangements
- Annual, personal and other leave
- When employment ends
- WA’s state industrial relations system
Calling Wageline on 1300 655 266 means we can usually help you straight away.
Wageline can do searches using business names data and in most cases provide general information on whether the employer or employee is covered by the state or national system. See our disclaimer about system coverage searches.
The Where to get the right information on other topics section below will help you find the right information if your question relates to something Wageline cannot assist with.
Before you call Wageline, check the Information Wageline may need to answer your question section below.
If you are not able to contact Wageline by phone, you can contact us via email at wageline@demirs.wa.gov.au. We will respond to your email within five business days. Before you email us, check the Information Wageline may need to answer your question section below.
Wageline social media and email news
Wageline provides information to keep you informed through social media (find us at WagelineWA on Facebook, Instagram and X) and Wageline News email newsletter.
We cannot provide specific employment information via our social media channels.
Information Wageline may need to answer your question
Show moreAny information you provide will be kept confidential.
When you contact Wageline, you may need to provide the answers to the following questions so that the correct information can be provided to you:
- the Trading Name of the business, name of the employer and the Australian Business Number (ABN), so that Wageline can undertake a check of whether the business is likely to be in the state or national industrial relations system (for example - Jane's Coffee Services ABN 123 456 789)
- the industry the business is in, and the nature of the work done by the business, including (if relevant) the products produced, transported or sold (for example - undertaking coffee bean roasting in a factory for a business producing and wholesaling bags coffee beans)
- details of the work done by the employee (for example - co-ordinating the roasting process, filling tubs of coffee beans, basic maintenance and cleaning of machines and other equipment)
- if the employee is a support worker in the community services sector - whether they are employed directly by a householder in a private capacity, or employed through an agency or support organisation
- where in WA the employee is working - name of regional town or suburb of Perth (as some WA awards only apply in certain parts of the state)
- whether the employee is full time, part time or casual
- whether the employee is an apprentice or trainee, including what type of apprenticeship or traineeship, and for an apprenticeship the term of the apprenticeship and the year of the apprenticeship
- whether the employee has a trade qualification relevant to the industry (for example a qualified bricklayer)
- the age of the employee if under 21 (as junior rates apply in many industries), and if the query is about ending employment, whether the employee 45 years of age or older
- how long the employee has been working for the business.
Please provide specific details about what the information is you are seeking from Wageline, to help us answer your question. You are welcome to include any other information about the business or the job being performed that may be relevant.
Where to get the right information on other topics
Show moreNational system employers and employees
Information on pay rates, hours of work, national modern awards, superannuation calculations, resignation/dismissal/redundancy and leave entitlements (other than long service leave).
or 13 13 94
Unfair dismissal claims – national system employees
or 1300 799 675
Local government employees
Information on pay rates, working hours, rostering and specifics of taking leave where the employee is covered by an industrial agreement or new State instrument (for local government employers that transferred from the national system on 1 January 2023) contact the human resources area of the local government.
Public sector employees
Employment issues for public sector employees, contact the Human Resource area of your employing agency.
Queries related to taxation, including how much tax needs to be taken out of an employee's pay.
or 13 28 66
Superannuation queries for state system employees and non-payment of superannuation contributions for employees in both the state and national system.
or 13 10 20
Superannuation contribution calculations for national system employees.
or 13 13 94
Workers compensation
Queries related to workplace injuries and workers compensation.
or 1300 794 744
Workplace health and safety
Information about WA’s work health and safety laws.
or 1300 307 877
Apprenticeships or traineeships
Registrations and queries relating to training contracts.
or 13 19 54
Contractor / business dispute resolution
Non-payment of monies owed under a contracting or business to business arrangement.
or 13 31 40
Disputes about unfair contract terms for independent contractors
or 1300 799 675
Discrimination in the workplace
Enquiries related to discrimination in the workplace.
or 1800 198 149
Legal assistance
Free legal assistance services to WA workers on workplace issues.
or 6148 3636