Checklist - Do I need a water permit?

A checklist to determine if your proposed activities need a water permit from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.
Last updated:

Consult this checklist after using our tool - Do I need a permit to interfere with bed or banks of a watercourse or wetland?

Does your proposal involve any of the following? If yes, it is likely that you need a water permit.

  • clearing native vegetation
  • altering the route or profile of the watercourse in any way
  • excavating the watercourse bed or banks
  • stockpiling material and operating earth moving machinery on the watercourse bed or banks
  • interfering with existing flow regimes through watercourses, by dams, weirs, pits, pumps, drains or pipelines
  • placing material or objects that obstructs flow and causes water to pond and inundate land and native vegetation
  • drilling, blasting or other exploration activities in the watercourse
  • constructing structures in or across the watercourse, including dams, riffles, pylons or fish ways
  • constructing roads, culverts, causeways or crossings across the watercourse for vehicle or animal access
  • carrying out any other activity that interferes with riparian areas, pools or the water table in such a way that it alters the natural environment, interferes with the existing flow of water or the use of that watercourse by others.

Please contact your local regional office, call 1800 508 885 or email to confirm your licensing requirements.

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