Lodge unclaimed money with Treasury

Organisations must provide the Department of Treasury with a summary of the unclaimed monies they hold.
Last updated:

Under the Unclaimed Money Act 1990, Western Australian organisations are not permitted to keep money that does not belong to them and those monies are to be deposited with the Department of Treasury.

We have a new online portal for organisations to lodge their unclaimed money with the Department of Treasury. Prior to using the Unclaimed Monies Organisation Lodgement Portal for the first time, organisations will need to .

Step 1 – Notifications

At the end of each calendar year (i.e. as at 31 December) organisations must compile a notification of any unclaimed money they hold.

There is a new notification template that must be used.  Organisations need to sign into the to upload and manage updates to their unclaimed money records.

Each year, the notification should be lodged with the Department of Treasury between January (preferred) and March, or as soon as possible thereafter.

To the best of their knowledge, organisations should record the payee’s:

  • name
  • last known address
  • amount
  • date of payment
  • reference or description as to what the payment relates to.

Step 2 – Payment of Monies

After the unclaimed money records have been advertised publicly, Treasury will (as soon as is practicable after 31 July) email a payment advice to organisations. The payment advice will include details of Treasury’s bank account and a reference to be quoted. 

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