Registered Training Organisation Obligations

A registered training organisation (RTO) must ensure it complies with the registration requirements throughout the period of its registration.
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An RTO's obligations include the following:

Maintaining compliance

To maintain compliance you must:

  • comply at all times with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015​, including the Data Provision, Fit and Proper Person and Financial Viability Requirements​.

  • comply with the  (opens in new window)

  • comply with relevant Commonwealth, state or territory legislation and regulatory requirements

  • notify the Training Accreditation Council (TAC) of any changes to the RTO's details or changes that may affect the operations of the RTO. Refer to the Change of RTO Details page (opens in new window)

  • provide information and co-operate with TAC when requested

  • comply with TAC's policies (opens in new window)

  • comply with any other condition(s) that TAC may impose.

Issuing qualifications and statements of attainment

Any qualifications or statements of attainment issued by your organisation for nationally recognised training, must meet Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) requirements. 

These requirements are specified in:

The above Schedule must be read in conjunction with the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy.​

The TAC logo must be shown on all certificates and statements of attainment issued by RTOs for the completion of:

  • training package/accredited course qualifications
  • units of competency

For more information about use of the TAC logo, refer to the  which is located in the RTO Portal.

The NRT logo must be shown on all certificates and statements of attainment issued by RTOs for the completion of:

  • training package/Accredited course qualifications
  • units of competency

For information about the NRT logo, refer to ​​Schedule 4 of the Standards for RTOs 2015.(opens in new window)

The TAC and NRT logos are available to RTOs in colour or black and white, in a range of file formats. RTOs can login to the  for access to the logos.

Records management

Correctly managing records ensures accuracy and integrity for your RTO.  In addition the Standards for​ Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015​​ requires all RTOs to effectively and efficiently manage their records.​​​

It is recommended that all records retained by RTOs should be kept secure and be available for review by Training Accreditation Council (TAC) auditors at any audit.

Records can be stored in hardcopy and/or electronic formats. Any electronic records should be backed up regularly.

For more information, refer to TAC's Fact sheet on Records Management (opens in new window).

RTO Portal

The TAC RTO Portal is a convenient way for all our RTOs to access their details. The Portal is a direct link to TAC's data system.

Through the Portal an RTO can:

  • view your registration details with TAC including the RTO's contact details, scope of registration and delivery profile
  • submit online applications for your renewal of registration, change of RTO details, amendment to scope of registration, change of delivery and site details and course accreditation or reaccreditation

If you wish to apply to become a registered training organisation (RTO) with the Training Accreditation Council (TAC), you are required to complete a Portal Access Request form to create an account for the TAC Customer Portal. To access the form please  (opens in new window).

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