Submitting an Application for Course Accreditation

​​​This section contains information about submitting an application for Course Accreditation.
Last updated:

Information regarding the different categories of accreditation applications are as follows:

Extend an accredited course

Applications for extension of accreditation must be submitted using the prescribed application form.

If an application for​ course reaccreditation is lodged at least three months before the course expiry date, accreditation continues automatically until the application is decided. There is no need to submit an application for extension of accreditation in this case.

In other cases, applications must be able to demonstrate the exceptional circumstances that warrant the request for extension of accreditation, and each application will be considered on its merits. Applications lodged after the expiry of the course will not be considered.

If the Council approves an application for extension of course accreditation, the applicant will be notified and the National Register  will be amended to reflect the revised expiry date.

If the application is rejected, the applicant will be informed in writing of the reasons for the rejection.

Please email applications and related documents to​

Application forms and supporting documents are available from the Accreditation Applications page at the link below, and from the Policies and Guidelines page. 

Accreditation Applications page 

Accredit or reaccredit a VET course

The Council will only accredit courses that meet the AQTF2021 Standards for Accredited Courses. Applications for the accreditation or reaccreditat​​ion of VET courses can only be submitted by the course owner(s).

Applications for accreditation/reaccreditation must be submitted using the prescribed form and templates​ (see below) and must include documentary evidence of:

  • industry support for the course has been gathered from industry stakeholders that are independent of the course owner and have a stake in the outcomes produced by the proposed course

  • recognition given to the course by regulatory, professional or industry bodies (if applicable)

  • consultation with stakeholders to evaluate the course for continuing relevance and how feedback from the consultations has been taken into account in the revised course (for reaccreditation)

TAC Secretariat staff and accreditation reviewers may contact any person or organisation deemed necessary to conduct a full assessment of an application.

If you wish to use modules in your accredited course please complete the Module Approval Form and submit to TAC before progressing with the application.

Please email completed applications and supporting documents to

Application forms and supporting documents are available from the Accreditation Applications page at the link below, and from the Policies and Guidelines page. 

Accreditation Applications page

The fees that apply to accreditation are available on the Application fees page.(opens in new window)

More information:

Amend an accredited course

Applications to amend accredited courses must be submitted on the prescribed ACC2 Application for Amendment ​to Accredited Course form.

Applications must include the following documents:

  • completed ACC2 Application Form describing the proposed amendments to the course
  • a non-watermarked copy of the original ACC1 Application for Course Accreditation/Reaccreditation form, with proposed changes highlighted or tracked
  • amended course documents, with proposed changes highlighted or tracked (if applicable)

If the amendment application is approved by the C​ouncil the amended course documents will be watermarked and sent to the course owner. If required, the National Register  will be amended accordingly.

Please email applications and related documents to​.

Application forms and supporting documents are available from the Accreditation Applications page and from the Policies and Guidelines page.

The fees that apply to course amendments are available on the Application fees page. (opens in new window)

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