TAC's regulatory approach has been developed in line with the approach described in the which aims to ensure "…the integrity of nationally recognised training by regulating RTOs...using a risk-based approach that is consistent, effective, proportional, responsive and transparent." (p4).
Emphasis on the collection of data from a range of sources will focus resources on those organisations or sectors which are deemed to pose the highest risk to quality outcomes.
​TAC's focus areas includes the management of risk at two levels - provider risk and systemic risk.
Provider Risk - RTOs will continue to be monitored through TAC's audit program and when patterns of poor compliance occur, RTOs can expect a high level of scrutiny. Data informing provider risk is collected from a number of sources, specifically audit outcomes, complaints, information sharing and collaboration with key stakeholders such as the State Training Authority, other VET Regulators and Industry Regulators.
Systemic Risk - are those risks that impact the sector as a whole, or trends in data highlight an issue impacting on a group of providers, or particular training products, or specific industry areas. Outcomes from complaints, industry engagement activities, collaboration and information sharing with a range of stakeholders provides data to inform TAC's response to identified systemic risk.
​In addition, TAC is committed to an education program​ that provides specialised professional development opportunities aimed at RTOs. The education program aims to build capability and understanding of RTOs and their staff to meet their obligations in regard to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.
TAC publishes a Regulatory Strategy​​ informing RTOs and VET stakeholders about the specific focus areas the Council has identified as posing the highest risks to the quality of VET and the regulatory actions to monitor and minimise those risks.
TAC will continue to publish up to date and relevant information to support RTOs in their understanding of the regulatory approach and the provision of guidance material in regard to the Standards for RTOs.
The TAC Risk Framework webinar, has been created to assist RTOs in understanding how TAC manages and responds to risk.