Training Accreditation Council (TAC) Event 2023

The TAC Event 2023 was hosted on 9 June 2023 and offered TAC RTOs and their staff opportunity to explore topics to help achieve quality training and delivery, meet TAC Secretariat staff and network with other TAC RTOs.
Last updated:

The Training and Accreditation Council (TAC) records its education program webinars that Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) can access to support compliance practices. The TAC Webinar Recordings and Resources page offers a comprehensive list of webinars currently available.

The recording of the TAC Event comprises of:

  • - Welcome by Lisa Barron, A/Director Training Regulation
  • - The Hon. Simone McGurk, Minister for Training; Water; Youth
  • - Anne Driscoll, Chairperson Training Accreditation Council
  • - Introduction to TAC Staff, Lisa Barron, A/Director Training Regulation
  • - Workshop 1: Generative AI – The Potential and Pitfalls for VET
  • - Workshop 2: Internal Audit for Continuous Improvement

Generative AI – The Potential and Pitfalls for VET

Participant Handouts

Internal Audit for Continuous Improvement

Participant Handouts

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