Clearing Permit System and map viewer

Search for new applications and previous decisions to clear native vegetation.
Last updated:

The  (CPS) is a publicly accessible central records directory for applications and decisions related to clearing matters regulated under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety both use the CPS.

How to find information in the CPS

You can search for new applications and previous decisions via the search function listed in the main menu in CPS. Search terms include permit number, permit holder name, street name and location. The view icon will display detailed information about the record. You can find documents such as the granted clearing permit and plan via the correspondence tab in CPS.


The CPS map function displays spatial data associated with clearing permit applications, including the area proposed to be cleared. Search terms available within the GIS map include street address, locality and lot numbers.

Records in the CPS

Permits under assessment

You can find a list of recent applications to clear native vegetation in this report. Any interested person may submit comments in writing about an application to clear native vegetation within that application’s public comment submission period.

View a list of  and details on submitting comments.

Permits granted and vegetation conservation notices given

This report lists permits granted and vegetation conservation notices. View the . 

See the  for information on submitting an appeal.

Outcomes of clearing referrals

The CPS also records determinations on referrals of proposed clearing. Read more information on the clearing referrals process. Clearing referral outcomes cannot be appealed.

View a list of recent .

Other records

The CPS also documents other clearing decisions, including:

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Only the applicant or clearing permit holder (as applicable) may appeal these decisions. Read more information about appeals on the . 

View a list of recent .

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