Consultation: Compliance and Enforcement Policy

Following the creation of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 1 July 2017, development of a Compliance and Enforcement Policy commenced to replace the policies of the three former departments.
Last updated:

On 27 May 2019, the department released its draft Compliance and Enforcement Policy for 12 weeks of public comment. This Policy detailed the department’s approach to ensuring compliance with the legislation it administers, responding to breaches of the law to deter and punish offenders, and rehabilitate damage caused to the environment.

On 2 July 2019, the department extended the consultation period until 20 September 2019 to ensure all stakeholders had the opportunity to provide a submission. 

Feedback received during the consultation period has informed the finalisation of the Policy. The department thanks all stakeholders who took part in the process.

Seventeen submissions were received during the consultation period and the Consultation report summarises these submissions and the department’s response to the issues raised. 

The finalised Compliance and Enforcement Policy is now available.

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