Mirrabooka landfill site amendment application

The Mirrabooka Landfill is operated by Brajkovich Landfill & Recycling (Malaga) Pty Ltd and is licensed by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.
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The landfill at 501 Alexander Drive, Mirrabooka, has been used as a landfill since 1977. The landfill is currently licensed (licence number ) to bury up to 250,000 tonnes of Class I inert (non-hazardous and non-biodegradable) waste, not including asbestos, under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act).

In October 2023, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) received an application from current operator Brajkovich Landfill & Recycling (Malaga) Pty Ltd to accept and bury asbestos waste. This application was first advertised on the department’s website in December 2023 and was advertised again in June and July 2024 as the scope of the application had changed.

On 8 April 2024, the operator sought approval from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC), which is the landowner and planning decision-maker, for landfill and waste storage activities. On 25 July 2024, WAPC approved an application for a landfill and solid waste depot at 501 Alexander Drive Mirrabooka, subject to conditions including a requirement that no asbestos, putrescible waste or other hazardous materials are to be disposed of on site.

The landfill has not been permitted to bury putrescible waste since 1997. Impacts to groundwater from historical landfilling were investigated under the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 (CS Act). The landfill was most recently classified under the CS Act in 2014, as possibly contaminated – investigation required. Groundwater monitoring continues to be carried out under the landfill’s EP Act licence.

What is happening now?

On 2 October 2024, the department refused the operator’s application under the EP Act to accept and bury asbestos waste. After carefully considering more than 130 stakeholder submissions and comments from the Department of Health, it was decided that the risk of asbestos exposure to residents and schools was unacceptable.

On 3 October 2024, the department received a new application from the operator to amend the licence under the EP Act to allow the operation of a solid waste depot. The department is currently validating the application and has asked the operator to provide more information. If the application is accepted, it will be advertised for public comment and the department will write to all stakeholders who made submissions on the previous (asbestos burial) application.

The Mirrabooka landfill was inspected on 17 October 2024 as part of the department’s 2024–25 compliance program. The inspection was undertaken to assess compliance with the premises’ operating licence. No asbestos, putrescible or hazardous wastes were observed, and the premises was not accepting or burying waste at the time of the visit. Additional inspections may be undertaken to further assess compliance or investigate any reported community concerns. Any non-compliances would be dealt with in accordance with the department’s Compliance and Enforcement Policy.

More information

This page will be updated as new information becomes available. If you have any questions, please email info@dwer.wa.gov.au and quote ‘L6764’ in the subject line.

Community members and residents are encouraged to report any environment issues at the time they are occurring by calling the Environment Watch Hotline on 1300 784 782 or using the online reporting tool. You can also email environmentwatch@dwer.wa.gov.au. Please be as specific as you can when describing the issue and the impact it is having on you.

For more information on what is permitted under the landfill’s current licence, please .

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