Make a health and disability service complaint

The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO) is an independent Statutory Authority which resolves complaints about health, disability and mental health services in Western Australia and the Indian Ocean Territories. Complaint resolution services are free and available to everyone.
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Sometimes individuals are unhappy with the service they receive. Usually talking to the service provider directly will get the problem fixed. If it does not, then you can raise a complaint with HaDSCO. HaDSCO will listen to you and then talk with you and the service provider to resolve your complaint.

Anyone can make a complaint and you can ask a family member, carer, guardian or advocate to raise a complaint on your behalf. You can , send it by email or request one to be sent to you by post.

Information about HaDSCO is available in different languages on the . Please use the Interpreter Service or National Relay Service if required.

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