RAMS is an that allows public sector agencies to manage:
- recruitment
- redeployment
- severance
- traineeships
- graduate programs
- employment registers.
Training on all aspects of RAMS is available for all users and is provided by Thomson Reuters. The Training Syllabus describes the courses and lists the prices of the courses on offer.
Further information
For RAMS training queries contact the RAMS Training Team:
- Phone: 1300 733 056
- Email: brs.ramstraining@thomsonreuters.com
For RAMS administrative support and technical issues contact the Thomson Reuters helpdesk:
- Phone: 1300 733 056
- Email: ramshelpdesk@bigredsky.com
- How to create reports for interim arrangements to fill public sector vacancies (CI 39)
- How to report data for interim arrangements to fill public sector vacancies (CI 39)
- Setup multi-factor authentication for RAMS users
- Redeployment and Redundancy - RAMS User Guide
- Suitability Lists and Shared Appointment Pools - RAMS User Guide
- RAMS (Kyubit User Guide)
- RAMS Training Syllabus