Water allocation plans - Kwinana Peel region

Details of our water allocation plans in the Kwinana Peel region
Last updated:
Kwinana Peel Region - Lake Clifton

The Kwinana Peel region includes the Serpentine, Murray and Harvey rivers and parts of the Perth Basin groundwater system.

The impacts of climate change mean that groundwater resources in the region are increasingly important â€“ both for water supply and for the Ramsar-listed Peel–Yalgorup wetland system which is an iconic groundwater-dependent feature of the area.

Reservoirs along the Darling Scarp store surface water for Perth's integrated water supply scheme and supply water to the Waroona and Harvey Irrigation Districts. Surface water is also taken from fresh tributaries for self-supply industry as well as some mining and direct pumping for irrigation, stock and gardens.

Water allocation plans

Water allocation planning in the Kwinana Peel region is focused on groundwater and how this resource can be best used to meet water supply demands and environmental requirements.

You can read more about the water allocation plans in this region:

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