Illegal fishing could include some:
- netting in the river
- exceeding their bag or possession limits
- taking undersize fish
- fishing in a closed area
- having more fishing gear in the water than they should
- selling or attempting to sell recreationally caught fish
You can help to protect our valuable aquatic environment by reporting any illegal fishing.
If you have seen something involving fish or fishing which doesn鈥檛 look quite right, report it to FishWatch on the Crime Stoppers WA website and provide photographs where possible.
Alternatively, the FishWatch hotline continues to operate 24 hours a day so call 1800 815 507.
Any information you provide about illegal fishing activity could be valuable, before you make a report take a note of:
- How many people you saw.
- Who they were. Did you hear/know any of their names?
- What they were doing.
- Where it happened; the nearest known landmark or intersection of the closest road may help to pinpoint the location of the activity.
- What type of equipment you saw being used; the type of cars or boats, registration numbers, and descriptions.
- When it happened - time and date. Is it something that is happening right now, while you are making a report, or was it something you observed previously?
Your reports are treated in confidence.
We recommend you do not approach anyone you think is involved in illegal activity involving fish or fishing.