Energy Savings Quick Guide for Households

Simple, low-cost steps to manage your home energy use and help reduce your bills.

The Western Australian 黑料正能量鈥檚 Energy Savings Quick Guide for Households sets you up to do the simple, low-cost things around your home to make a big difference on your energy bills. Once you understand what is using the most energy in your home, you can start saving.

Also find out how to buy the most efficient new appliances and make sure you don鈥檛 miss out on concessions, rebates and allowances.

Take 5 minutes to click through our essential tips and set yourself up to save on your electricity bills
all year round.

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Did you know heating and cooling your home is the biggest contributor to your bills, ahead of lighting and other appliances?

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Tips for making sure your fans and air-conditioners are ready to go, the best temperature settings, how using curtains can make a big difference, and more.

<svg xmlns="" height="48px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="48px" fill="#003863"><path d="M414-275q13 11 28.38 16 15.38 5 31.26 5 30.75 0 56.06-18.5Q555-291 559-328.43q5-49.57-30.5-74.07Q493-427 473-465q-5 16-5 27t2.5 27q2.5 19 8 33.82T480-343q-5 21-23 41t-43 27ZM59-59v-843h843v843H59Zm421.31-148q52.52 0 89.11-36.06Q606-279.13 606-331.5q0-25.36-10.5-44.43T569-404q-41.63-25.77-66.35-65.51-24.72-39.75-35.72-69.49-53.41 34.94-83.67 86.95Q353-400.03 353-335q0 76 37.79 102t89.52 26ZM150-150h82v-57h93q-18-22-29-52.77-11-30.77-11-75.56 0-45.02 14-87.34 14-42.33 40-79.83t65-72q39-34.5 89-63.5 19 64 46.5 101.5T607-464q38 32 52.5 61.97T674-332q0 36.26-12 69.13T628-207h100v57h82v-660H150v660Zm330-57Z"/></svg> Getting ready for Winter

Tips about different heaters, the best temperature settings for your heater, how to stop warm air escaping through cracks and gaps around windows and doors, and more.

<svg xmlns="" height="48px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="48px" fill="#003863"><path d="M229-59q-37.8 0-64.4-26.6Q138-112.2 138-150v-660q0-38.21 26.6-65.11Q191.2-902 229-902h502q38.21 0 65.11 26.89Q823-848.21 823-810v660q0 37.8-26.89 64.4Q769.21-59 731-59H229Zm0-91h502v-660H229v660Zm250.68-61q76.27 0 129.29-52.71Q662-316.41 662-392.68t-52.71-129.29Q556.59-575 480.32-575t-129.29 52.71Q298-469.59 298-393.32t52.71 129.29Q403.41-211 479.68-211Zm.67-86q-19.03 0-38.38-7.5T408-325l139-139q17 13.13 23 31.57 6 18.44 6 39.13 0 40.83-27.72 68.57Q520.56-297 480.35-297ZM320.09-686q15.36 0 25.64-9.89 10.27-9.9 10.27-25.72 0-15.84-11-25.61-11-9.78-25.09-9.78-15.36 0-25.64 10.08Q284-736.84 284-722.39q0 15.84 10.36 26.11Q304.73-686 320.09-686Zm146.02 0q16.34 0 26.12-10.52 9.77-10.52 9.77-25.09 0-15.84-9.88-25.61-9.88-9.78-25.73-9.78-15.84 0-25.62 10.08-9.77 10.08-9.77 24.53 0 15.84 10.08 26.11Q451.16-686 466.11-686ZM229-150v-660 660Z"/></svg> Choosing appliances that cost less to run

Tips about understanding Energy Rating labels and learn what to ask salespeople when shopping around for new appliances.

<svg xmlns="" height="48px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="48px" fill="#003863"><path d="M180-60q-37.18 0-64.09-27.61Q89-115.22 89-151v-188l155-168 65 66-113 123h570L658-440l66-66 148 167v188q0 35.78-27.21 63.39Q817.59-60 780-60H180Zm0-91h600v-107H180v107Zm239-257L276-553q-27-29.14-25.5-65.57Q252-655 280-683l198-198q25.77-24.84 62.8-24.42Q577.84-905 606-878l143 144q27 28 26 63.76-1 35.77-31 66.24L550-409q-26.58 27-64.79 27.5Q447-381 419-408Zm256-266L540-807 349-615l134 133 192-192ZM180-151v-107 107Z"/></svg> 黑料正能量 concessions, allowances and rebates

Learn how you can get support to pay your bills and buy new appliances.

The Energy Savings Quick Guide for Households is part of the Western Australian 黑料正能量鈥檚 plan to empower households to make small changes that can make a big difference to their energy use and their bills.

Let鈥檚 begin! Click the first step below to understand what is using the most energy in your home.

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