Multiple registrations of an item of plant on a mine site - Application

Register multiple items of plant with WorkSafe WA.

Register multiple items of plant

Mine operators can register certain items of plant through a bulk process using the Form 204 - Multiple registrations of an item of plant on a mine site.


In addition to the normal registration requirements for an item of plant, applicant's seeking to use the Form 204 process to register multiple items must meet the following criteria: 

  1. The applicant must be a mine operator (as defined in regulation 5C ) and registered in SRS as a mine operator;
  2. The items of plant must be used exclusively on a mine site;
  3. The items of plant must be pressure vessels and/ or boilers;
  4. All items of plant on the Form 204 must be for the same mine site; and
  5. The process may only be used to register 10 or more items at a time.

If you are not eligible to apply to register your plant using the Form 204 - Multiple registrations of an item of plant on a mine site process, you may still register your items of plant using the registration of an item of plant application process.

Application process

Applications for multiple registrations of an item of plant may be made by email. To apply, download and complete the following: 

Once complete, lodge your application by emailing both documents, along with your proof of company registration to:

Ensure that all the information in the application and annexure forms is correct, as errors will result in delays and may cause your application to be sent back.

Once a complete and accurate Form 204 application and annexure have been received, you will be invoiced for the application and the application will begin processing. You will not be contacted with status updates but will be contacted if additional information or amendments are required. 

If you have any questions or concerns relating to an application to register multiple items of plant on a mine site, you may call 1300 424 091 or email the plant registration team.

Application Fees

Application fees serve to allow WorkSafe WA to recover the costs associated with registering and inspecting items of plant. These fees change on an annual basis. To see the current fees associated with registering items of plant, please visit our plant registration fee page. The registration of multiple items of plant on a Form 204 will incur a fee for each items being registered.

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