Restricted plumbing permit - Gasfitters and electricians

Application for a new gasfitters and electricians restricted plumbing permit.

Gasfitters and electricians restricted plumbing permit

Restricted plumbing permits allow eligible gasfitters and electricians to disconnect, remove, install and connect a compression fitting, a temperature/pressure relief valve, an expansion control valve, an isolating valve and an approved flexible hose assembly in the course of removing or replacing a water heater on a strictly like-for-like basis, provided that the following circumstances apply:

  1. No change to the existing pipes is required.
  2. The existing pipes are in safe and proper working order.
  3. The temperature/pressure relief valve overflow pipe complies with the plumbing standards.
  4. The use of a flexible hose connection is not required.


To be eligible for a restricted plumbing permit you must:

  1. Hold either
    1. An electrical worker’s licence issued under the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 regulation 24, or
    2. A gasfitting permit or authorisation issued under the Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 regulation 12.


  2. Be able to provide evidence of completion of the unit of competency:  CPCPWT3022 – Install and commission water heating systems and adjust controls and devices

How to apply

All applications must be made on a fully completed application form which can be found here:  

Restricted plumbing permit - Form 106

Applications can be submitted:


Post, or In Person:

If applying in person or by post your application also needs to be accompanied by a completed 

Application Payment Form

Details of how to apply in person or by post are included on the application form.

Should you have any queries regarding your application please contact 1300 489 099.


Current application and licence fees for plumbers can be found in the fee schedule.

An application fee is payable at the time of lodging an application.

The application fee is non-refundable and exempt from GST.

If your application is unsuccessful the licence fee will automatically be refunded and posted to the address specified on the application form.

All licences are valid for three years from the date of approval.

Timeframes for application processing

Most applications are determined within five weeks. You can assist us to keep processing times as low as possible by:

  • Checking that you have attached all the required information, and have completed the application form in full, before submitting
  • Submitting using the online option
  • Allowing enough time for processing of your application before contacting us for an update.

Licensing officers will contact you if any additional information is needed to finalise your application.

Restricted plumbing permit scope of work

For licenced gasfitters and electrical workers.

Scope of work authorised under a restricted plumbing permit

There are two criteria for determining the type of plumbing work permitted to be carried out by the holder of a restricted plumbing permit.

Criteria 1

The plumbing work to be carried out must only be in the course of:

a. removing a water heater; or
b. removing and reinstalling a water heater; or
c. replacing a water heater.

Criteria 2

The work to be carried out is limited to disconnecting, removing, installing and reconnecting:

a. a compression union;
b. a temperature/pressure relief valve; or
c. an expansion control valve.

All work performed by a restricted plumbing permit holder must be in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard, generally AS/NZS 3500:4 – Plumbing and drainage: Heated water services.

However, it must be noted that a restricted plumbing permit does not authorise the holder to carry out any work if:

a. a change to the existing pipes is required;
b. the existing pipes are not in safe and proper working order;
c. the temperature/pressure relief valve overflow pipe does not comply with the plumbing standards; or
d. the use of a flexible hose connection is required.

Requirement to notify the Board of plumbing work

Removing, removing and reinstalling, or replacing a water heater is considered major plumbing work. This means that the responsible person for the work, in this instance the restricted plumbing permit holder, must submit a Notice of Intention to the Plumbers Licensing Board at least 24 hours prior to any work being undertaken.

When the work is completed, the restricted plumbing permit holder who lodged the Notice of Intention for the work must submit a Certificate of Compliance within five working days of completing the work.

Notices of Intention and Certificates of Compliance can be lodged electronically via eNotice or:

By post
Plumbers Licensing Board
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892

In person
Building and Energy
Level 1, Mason Bird Building
303 Sevenoaks Street (entrance Grose Avenue)
Cannington WA 6107

Actions that may be taken against restricted plumbing permit holders

Plumbing inspectors regularly inspect plumbing work in Western Australia. In addition, Building and Energy will act on any complaints received about plumbing work. Action may be taken against the restricted plumbing permit holder where they are found to have:

  • performed work that is not in accordance with the relevant plumbing standards;
  • performed work outside the scope of work for a restricted plumbing permit holder; or
  • failed to appropriately notify the Plumbers Licensing Board of plumbing work.

This action may include:

  • issuing a rectification notice;
  • issuing an infringement notice; or
  • referring the restricted plumbing permit holder to the State Administrative Tribunal for disciplinary action, which may include suspension or cancellation of the restricted plumbing permit.

Please note that while licensed electrical workers or licensed gas fitters who also hold a plumbing tradesperson’s licence may be eligible for a restricted plumbing permit, any plumbing work outside the scope of work for a restricted plumbing permit must be performed under the general direction and control of a licensed plumbing contractor.

For further information refer to the guide for restricted plumbing permits:

Guide-restricted plumbing permits


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