State Planning Policy 4.1 - State industrial buffer

The purpose of the policy is to provide a consistent state wide approach for the protection and long-term security of industrial zones, transport terminals (including ports) other utilities and special uses.
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This policy will provide for the safety and amenity of surrounding land uses while having regard to the rights of landowners who may be affected by residual emissions and risk.

The policy establishes objectives and principles and how the principles should be applied to define and secure buffer areas and who should pay for them. It is intended that the WAPC will, after the policy has been in operation for a period of two full years, undertake a review of its effectiveness, and if necessary amend the policy.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • provide a consistent state wide approach for the definition and securing of buffer areas around industry, infrastructure and some special uses
  • protect industry, infrastructure and special uses from the encroachment of incompatible land uses
  • provide for the safety and amenity of land uses surrounding industry, infrastructure and special uses
  • recognise the interests of existing landowners within buffer areas who may be affected by residual emissions and risks, as well as the interests, needs and economic benefits of existing industry and infrastructure which may be affected by encroaching incompatible land uses.

In July 2004 the WAPC released a Draft State Industrial Buffer. This policy is based on an assumption that routine industrial emissions and risk factors are identified during planning and environmental assessment processes and managed in accordance with licence conditions or statutory environmental conditions. Where licences and statutory environmental conditions are not applicable, high standards of environmental management should be adopted by industry and infrastructure providers.

Submissions closed on 14 September 2009 for Draft State Planning Policy 4.1 Industrial interface (Amended). 

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