State Planning Policy 3.0 - Urban growth and settlement

This policy sets out the principles and considerations which apply to planning for urban growth and settlements in Western Australia.
Last updated:

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • promote a sustainable and well planned pattern of settlement across the State, with sufficient and suitable land to provide for a wide variety of housing, employment, recreation facilities and open space
  • build on existing communities with established local and regional economies, concentrate investment in the improvement of services and infrastructure and enhance the quality of life in those communities
  • manage the growth and development of urban areas in response to the social and economic needs of the community and in recognition of relevant climatic, environmental, heritage and community values and constraints
  • promote the development of a sustainable and liveable neighbourhood form which reduces energy, water and travel demand while ensuring safe and convenient access to employment and services by all modes, provides choice and affordability of housing and creates an identifiable sense of place for each community
  • coordinate new development with the efficient, economic and timely provision of infrastructure and services.

State planning policies

Development control and operational policies

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