Guideline: Clearing permit application fee refunds, waivers and reductions

A guideline outlining when we may grant an applicant’s request for a waiver, reduction or refund of their native vegetation clearing permit application fee.
Last updated:

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has published a guideline that outlines when we may grant a clearing permit applicant’s request for a waiver, reduction or refund of their application fee.

You can access a copy of the finalised guideline via the link below:

Guideline: Clearing permit application fee refunds, waivers and reductions (March 2022)


The draft of this guideline underwent a four-week public consultation during March 2020.

The consultation summary report (see the link below) summarises the feedback we received and our responses to that feedback.

Consultation summary report – Guideline: Clearing permit application fee refunds, waivers and reductions (March 2022)

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