Water and Environmental Regulation public consultation

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation consultations are available online for public comment.
Last updated:

The department is committed to improving the implementation and effectiveness of its programs and strategies.

Public consultations help us understand the views of stakeholders, communities and interested parties and inform a transparent and accountable decision-making process.

For updates on future DWER consultations, to our mailing list or follow us on or .


Current consultations

  • (opening date 1 November 2024, closing date 15 November 2024)
  • (opening date 8 November 2024, closing date 31 January 2025)

Closed consultations

Making a submission

All feedback provided from public consultations is treated as a public document and may be published on our website and included in reports and other publications.

If you do not consent to your submission being treated as a public document, you should mark it as confidential, specifically identify those parts which you feel need to be kept private, and include an explanation.

We reserve the right to delete any racially vilifying, derogatory, or defamatory content (to an individual or an organisation).

Please take careful note of the deadline for comment, as no late submissions will be accepted.

Assistance for customers with special needs

To ensure that customers who want to provide feedback are not disadvantaged as a result of language barriers, interpreters can be organised on behalf of customers to assist and documents can be translated into an appropriate language upon request.

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to participate in any public consultation by DWER. DWER encourages participation by people with disability and we will ensure your communications needs are met. We will provide at least one months' notice of meetings, and a minimum of two months for community consultation periods, in line with our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment and need help, the National Relay Service can assist by telephoning 13 36 77 (free call).

Publications are available online, or for those with special needs they can be made available in alternative formats such as audio, large print, or Braille.

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