La Grange groundwater allocation plan

The La Grange groundwater allocation plan sets out how we manage the superficial Broome Sandstone groundwater resource.
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Plan release information

The La Grange groundwater allocation plan and Statement of response were released in February 2010.

The statement of response summarises our response to public comments and submissions received on the draft plan released for public comment.

The plan includes allocation limits, which define how much water is available in the La Grange area. It describes how we will allocate and manage water resources and how we monitor, measure and evaluate the objectives of the plan.

We periodically release updates on progress in meeting plan objectives. The evaluation statements are available below:

Water allocation planning in the La Grange area

There is a great deal of interest in using the La Grange groundwater in horticulture and mining development. That's why planning is essential, so that the needs of the community and the environment are protected and water supplies remain secure.

Plan area

The La Grange plan area is just south of Broome and about 1,440 kilometres north of Perth. The La Grange plan area contains culturally and ecologically significant sites that depend on groundwater, including springs within the Walyarta Conservation Park, the Eighty Mile Beach wetland system and the Roebuck Bay wetland system. The Coastal and Mandora management zones have been established to manage these sites.

The plan is within the Canning-Kimberley groundwater area.

Water resources

The Broome Sandstone aquifer extends across the plan area and is underlain by the deeper Wallal Sandstone aquifer.

For management purposes, the plan is divided into two subareas – La Grange North and La Grange South.

La Grange water allocation plan area
La Grange groundwater plan area, subareas and management zones


La Grange groundwater allocation plan

La Grange groundwater allocation plan: Statement of response

La Grange groundwater allocation plan: Evaluation statement 2012–2017

La Grange groundwater allocation plan: Evaluation statement 2011–2012

La Grange groundwater allocation plan: Evaluation statement 2010–2011

La Grange groundwater allocation: a Kimberley sub-regional allocation plan

Ngapa Kunangkul (Living water) â€“ Report on the Aboriginal cultural values of groundwater in the La Grange sub-basin

Wetlands of the northwestern Great Sandy Desert in the La Grange hydrological sub-basin

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