Classification and remuneration of executive positions
The Public Sector Commissioner determines the classification and reclassification of SES and other management executive positions (collectively known as executive positions).
Commissioner鈥檚 Instruction 32: Financial and Classification Management of Senior Executive Service and Other Management Executives sets out the rules for classifying and remunerating these executive positions.
Classification of Special Division positions, and remuneration for office holders and Prescribed Office holders, are determined by the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal.
For positions above the maximum salary payable for Level 8 officers, the Commission and Tribunal use the Western Australian Executive Classification Methodology.
Senior Executive Service (SES)
Show moreThe purpose of the SES, as set out in section 42 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (PSM Act), is to establish a cohort of executive officers capable of providing high level policy advice and management skills in and across agencies.
Positions are classified higher than the maximum salary payable for Level 8 officers under the Public Service Award 1992 and associated industrial agreement.
To determine whether a position is included in the SES, the Commissioner considers:
- role and scope of the position in the context of the agency and public service
- degree and extent of policy advice and management responsibilities
- influence on the achievement of agency service delivery
- transferability of skills in the public service
- expected duration of the position.
Other management executive
Show moreThese public service positions are classified higher than the maximum salary payable for a Level 8 officer under the Public Service Award 1992 and associated industrial agreement which have strategic policy and management responsibilities but also require role specific specialist skills and knowledge.
Other management executives include:
- public service positions classified higher than the maximum salary payable for Level 8 officers under the Public Service Award 1992 and associated industrial agreement, and are created on a temporary basis for less than 12 months
- people deemed to be CEOs or chief employees under section 4 of the PSM Act; and prescribed office holders under section 6(1)(e) of the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975.
Other management executives do not include positions in the SES, Specified Calling positions, and highly specialist technical and professional positions.
If unsure whether a position is included or excluded, email
Special Division of the Public Service
Show moreClassification of Special Division positions, and remuneration for these office holders and Prescribed Office holders, are determined by the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal. CEOs and employing authorities are to liaise directly with the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal to request an indicative salary range for the purposes of advertising a vacant non-CEO position.
The Commissioner is the statutory advisor for the Special Division and Prescribed Offices, and may provide advice and recommendations to the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal.