Public Sector Commissioner and CEO responsibilities

Ensuring consistent classification of positions in the WA public service.

CEOs and employing authorities

  • Create executive positions subject to the Commissioner鈥檚 assessment and classification determination
  • Reclassify executive positions following the Commissioner鈥檚 assessment and determination
  • Advertise and fill vacant executive positions
  • Use the SES and Special Division contracts templates
  • Fill other management executive positions on a temporary or permanent basis
  • Appoint and reappoint executive officers on contracts for up to 5 years (or as prescribed by industrial instruments)
  • Make variations to executive positions following consultation with the Commissioner on any potential work value impacts
  • May approve where appropriate the substantive occupant of a reclassified executive position receiving the benefit of the position鈥檚 new classification, following the Commissioner鈥檚 determination of the new classification and the officer meeting the eligibility criteria
  • Transfer an SES officer to the performance of other functions in the SES following approval from the Commissioner
  • Transfer an officer in an executive position to another executive position inside or outside the agency
  • Enter into executive officer secondment arrangements with another agency where responsibility for the executive officer鈥檚 salary cost under the Executive Salary Expenditure Limit is agreed before the secondment term commences
  • Manage surplus SES officers and SES officers transferred to the performance of other functions in the SES effectively and efficiently
  • Abolish executive positions
  • Terminate, in exceptional circumstances, the employment contract of an officer in an executive position

CEOs and employing authorities must comply with relevant Commissioner鈥檚 instructions and other obligations when undertaking these actions.

Public Sector Commissioner responsibilities

  • Determines classification and reclassification of positions
  • Determines the status of positions (for example, SES, other management executive, inclusion in the special division)
  • Approves the transfer of SES officers to the performance of other functions in the SES
  • Approves Section 59 compensation payment offers being made to SES officers
  • Approves temporary special allowances
  • Approves attraction and retention incentive payments to SES officers or positions
  • Prepares and maintains attraction and retention incentive agreements for SES officers
  • Provides advice on position variations (for example, title changes, inclusion or exclusion from the Special Division) which may lead to position work value and financial changes
  • Sets, reviews and quality assures SES contracts
  • Collects position and person information for SES and other management executive contracts for planning and reporting purposes
  • Approves and collects contract arrangements under Commissioner鈥檚 Instruction 33: Determining Remuneration of Specialist Positions
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