DWER Regulatory documents

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has implemented a Policy Framework initiative to classify all documents across our business areas into a clear and structured document hierarchy and governance model.
Last updated:

The Policy Framework page provides further information on how the department and our stakeholders should apply our documents based on where they sit in the framework's hierarchy.

The following tables list our industry regulation, native vegetation regulation and water regulation policy, guideline, and procedure documents, based on where they fit into the hierarchy.

The department has also entered into agreements with other government agencies to support its regulatory functions. Note that these agreements are not guidance material and are not part of the Policy Framework.

Policy documents

Industry Regulation Native Vegetation Clearing Water
Our regulatory approach Our regulatory approach

Our regulatory approach

Compliance and Enforcement Policy Compliance and Enforcement Policy Compliance and Enforcement Policy
    Policy: Managing unlicensed groundwater use 
    Policy: Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in Western Australia
    Policy: Giving an undertaking to grant a water licence or permit
    Policy: Use of operating strategies in the water licensing process
    Policy on accessing the Leederville and Yarragadee Aquifers in Perth 
    Policy: Water entitlement transactions for Western Australia 
    Policy: Management of unused licensed water entitlements 
    Policy: Timely submission of required further information 
    Operational policy 5.12: Hydrogeological reporting associated with a groundwater well licence
    Policy: Water conservation / efficiency plans 
    Operational policy 5.10: Managing breaches of the RIWI Act on watercourses in WA
    Policy: Measuring the taking of water
    Policy: Use of mine dewatering surplus 
    Operational policy 5.01: Managing water reserved for use by drinking water service providers 
    Statewide policy no. 3: Policy statement on water sharing
    Policy: Section 5C licence tenure 
    Policy: Protecting public drinking water source areas
    Operational policy 13: Recreation within public drinking water source areas on Crown land
    Land use compatibility in public drinking water source areas
    Statewide policy no. 5: Environmental water provisions policy for Western Australia
    Operational policy: Identifying and establishing waterways foreshore areas
    Statewide policy no. 7: Houseboats
    Policy framework for inland drainage

Guideline documents

Industry Regulation Native Vegetation Clearing Water
Fact sheet: Regulatory services Fact sheet: Regulatory Services Fact sheet: Regulatory Services
Guideline: Prosecutions Guideline: Prosecutions Guideline: Prosecutions
Guideline: Regulatory principles Guide 1: A guide to the exemptions and regulations for clearing native vegetation Guideline for groundwater monitoring in the onshore petroleum and geothermal industry
Guidance statement: Publication of Annual Audit Compliance Reports Guide 2: A guide to the assessment of applications to clear native vegetation Guideline for the approval of non-drinking water systems in Western Australia urban developments 
Fact sheet: Calculation of fee refund – withdrawn applications Guide 3: A guide to burning under the native vegetation clearing provisions Guidelines for water meter installation
Guidance statement: Setting conditions Guide 4: A guide to the exemption for clearing native vegetation for maintenance in existing transport corridors Western Australian water in mining guideline
Guideline: Industry Regulation guide to licensing A guide to grazing of native vegetation Proposed guidelines for treating acid drain water in the Avon catchment, Western Australia: adapting acid mine drainage treatment systems for saline acidic drains
Guideline: Continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) code Guide 6: A guide to native vegetation clearing processes under the assessment bilateral agreement Supplementary information for permit applications to interfere with bed or banks of watercourses
Guidance statement: Licence duration A guide to preparing revegetation plans for clearing permits Community bores
Guidance statement: Environmental standards Clearing of native vegetation – offsets procedure Regulatory Standard 001: Stamp duty requirements for water licensing
Guideline: Decision making Fact sheet: Native vegetation clearing frequently asked questions Guideline: Water and environmental considerations for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) operations in Western Australia
Guideline: Risk assessments Fact sheet: How to apply for a permit to clear Stormwater management manual for Western Australia
Guideline: Port Authority bulk handling trials Fact sheet 1: Native vegetation clearing legislation in Western Australia Decision process for stormwater management in Western Australia
Guideline: Managing asbestos in construction and demolition waste recycling facilities Fact sheet 2: Clearing offences and penalties Water resource considerations when controlling groundwater levels in Western Australia
Guideline: Odour emissions Fact sheet 4: Complying with your permit to clear native vegetation Guidelines for district water management strategies
Western Australian guidelines for biosolids management Fact sheet 5: Mining and petroleum activities Water sensitive urban design brochure series
Landfill waste classifications and waste definitions 1996 Fact sheet 7: Clearing previously cleared land, grazing on and management of pastoral leases and pastoral lands board requirements Better urban water management guidance note series
Fact sheet: Industry Regulation fees Fact sheet 8: Clearing in controlled catchments Water quality information sheet series
Guideline: Environmental siting Fact sheet 9: Clearing limited to five hectare a year (limited clearing exemptions) Water quality protection note series
Fact sheet: Cattle feedlot Fact sheet 11: Environmental offsets for native vegetation clearing permits Interim: Developing a local water management strategy
Fact sheet: Intensive piggery Fact sheet 12: Information for purpose permit holders Urban water management plans: Guidelines for preparing plans and for complying with subdivision conditions
Fact sheet: Mineral sands mining Fact sheet 13: Information for maintaining existing transport corridors River restoration manual
Fact sheet: Coal mining Fact sheet 14: Clearing under State Agreements Waste management of kennel operations within the Jandakot underground water pollution control area
Fact sheet: Animal feed manufacturing Fact sheet 15: Forestry on private property Environmental management guidelines for vineyards
Fact sheet: Asphalt manufacturing Fact sheet 16: Risk-based assessment of clearing permit applications Building creek crossings
Fact sheet: Beverage manufacturing Fact sheet 17: Vegetation Conservation Notices Crossing creeks – stream crossings on farms
Fact sheet: Bitumen manufacturing Fact sheet 18: Have you been hired to clear native vegetation? Guideline: Spring exemptions
Fact sheet: Regulation of natural shale gas from shale and tight rocks Fact sheet 20: Clearing for fire protection (Building Protection Zones)  
Fact sheet: Amendments to the EP Regulations – clean fill and uncontaminated fill Fact sheet 21: Monitoring vegetation change using remote sensing  
Fact sheet: Assessing whether material is waste Fact sheet 22: Assessment of Aboriginal heritage values for native vegetation clearing applications  
Fact sheet 23: Native title and native vegetation clearing applications  
Guideline: Regulating container deposit scheme sites Fact sheet 24: Environmentally Sensitive Areas  
Guideline: Industry Regulation licence reviews Fact sheet 25: Native vegetation clearing processes under the assessment bilateral agreement  
Guideline: Better practice organics recycling Guideline: Native vegetation clearing referrals  
Guideline: Annual audit compliance reports Guideline: Clearing permit application fee refunds, waivers and reductions  
  Guideline: Applications for a permit to clear native vegetation relating to carbon farming projects  


Procedure documents - application forms and templates

Industry RegulationNative Vegetation ClearingWater
IR-F09 Application form – works approvals, licences, amendments, and registrationsNV-F01 Application for new permit or referral to clear native vegetationForm 1 – Application to commence, construct, enlarge, deepen or alter a well
IR-F10 Application form – transfer of works approval or licence; notify of new occupier of registered premisesNV-F04 Application to amend a clearing permitForm 2 – Information to be provided on completion of a non-artesian well
IR-F11 Application form – surrender of a works approval or licenceNV-F05 Notification of change of land ownership – transfer of area permitForm 2A â€“ Information to be provided on completion of an artesian well
P5 - Application for a licence fee refundNV-F06 Application to surrender a clearing permitForm 3G – Application for a 5C licence to take groundwater
IR-F14 Annual Audit Compliance Form templateNV-F07 Applications for a clearing permit to be assessed under the EPBC ActForm 3P – Application for a section 11/17/21A permit to interfere with bed and banks
IR-F27 Category checklist – landfills (cat. 63 to 66)
Form 3S – Application for a 5C licence to take surface water
IR-F28 Application form annex: Category checklist (tailings storage facilities) Form 4A – Application to enter into an agreement to take water under an existing licence for a limited time
Odour emissions reporting template: Summary of detailed analysis tools Form 4T – Application for Transfer of Water Entitlement OR Transfer of Water Licence
Odour emissions reporting template: Screening analysis Form 5I – Application for notation, removal or variation of security interest
Odour emissions reporting template: Operational odour analysis Form 6 – Notification licensee no longer eligible to hold a licence
Odour emissions reporting template: Odour source information summary Form 7 – Statutory declaration
  Form 8 – Information to be provided on installation of a water meter
  Water quality information sheet 34: Application form for recreation proposals within public drinking water source protection areas on Crown land


Key policies and guidelines administered by other agencies and organisations

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