The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation administers the clearing provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) and its subsidiary legislation. You need a permit to clear native vegetation in Western Australia, unless you have an exemption or we determined you did not need one during the clearing referral process.
You can find out more about clearing permits and available exemptions, and view our Clearing Permit System (CPS) to search for new applications to clear native vegetation and previous decisions.
We receive large numbers of reports alleging unauthorised clearing of native vegetation. Every report undergoes a thorough desktop investigation using detailed satellite imagery to ascertain:
- what has been cleared (is it native vegetation?)
- the size of the clearing
- the environmental impact
- whether there is a relevant clearing permit authorising the clearing
- whether there are any relevant exemptions to allow the clearing (Schedule 6 of the EP Act and the exemptions within the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004)
- the culpability of the clearing (awareness, intent, etc.).
Assessed as unauthorised clearing of native vegetation
When the report has been thoroughly assessed and is deemed to be unauthorised clearing of native vegetation, we prioritise activities for investigation based on the risk of the alleged clearing, including consideration of environmental impact and culpability.
The department鈥檚 actions in relation to the unauthorised clearing of native vegetation range from a letter of education or warning through to a vegetation conservation notice (VCN), requiring the property owner to rehabilitate the area(s) cleared and/or prosecution.
Where further investigations are required, these may include:
- site visits
- drone imagery
- witness interviews and statements
- respondent interview(s)
- use of compulsory powers to obtain information.
Under the EP Act, the maximum penalty for unauthorised clearing of native vegetation is $500,000 with daily penalties of $100,000.
If you suspect unauthorised clearing of native vegetation, please make a report using the online form below or call our Environment Watch hotline on 1300 784 782.
When you submit a report, you will receive a response from us acknowledging your submission. We may contact you for further information or to discuss your report. Personal information will be dealt with in accordance with the applicable legislation in Western Australia and be consistent with any legal obligation. Please note you may remain anonymous.